I know this is an old tip for DOS Geeks. For new ones, Did you ever wonder why when you type "notepad" in any directory in Command prompt or cmd, Notepad Application will launch immediately? That's because of the default settings in executables path automatic search. To display type Path in command prompt and you'll see the default: PATH=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem These are the default Folders in which when you type any command and Enter key it will search in those directories first. Example: Wordpad You cannot launch the application directly to command prompt. To Add new or Append new locations: path=%path%; NEW Directory For multiple Directory or Folders path=%path%; NEW Folder 1; Folder 2; Folder 3 and so on... Type this command: PATH=%path%;C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\ To che...
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