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[Vista] How to Reset IE Security Warning "A website wants to open web content using this program on your computer" to default

internet security warning 

This is a cool security feature of Protected Mode in Internet Explorer that ask (alert message) and verify if you will allow a program to run the program from IE. So, any bad guys out there cannot automatically run a program from just opening a malicious website. Great!!!

"This program does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher. This program will open outside of Protected mode, putting your computer at risk. You should only run programs from publishers you trust."

Name: Any program location

Publisher: Unknown Publisher


Recently, some publishers just post the entire content using feeds. This content came from UnlockForUs.Blogspot.com



  1. Before allowing the program to run, make sure that the program is running from a legitimate website. Example: YOUTUBE.COM
  2. Click to check the option "Do not show me the warning for this program again" if you already verified the program and you don't want to ask you again.
  3. Even Notepad.exe as a default View Source Editor will have this message appear for security reasons.
  4. If you allow the program, it will silently elevate the program to run in a Low Rights Policy

How to Reset or Restore IE to ask you again


From Internet Explorer, Go to Tools Menu > Internet Options > Advanced Tab > Reset Button

To make sure, afterwards reboot your computer.

If this doesn't work even if you reboot your computer already.

Read this:

[Vista Security] Manually Selecting the programs to be elevated or Run outside the Internet Explorer


More Articles:

[Vista/XP-IE] How to Show the File Download Window after "Always ask before opening this type of file" was Unchecked

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Unlock for Us: Windows Vista Unlocks, News, Tips and Tweaks


1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the article, more please!


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