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Three-clock Configuration in System Time


Windows can display up to three additional clocks and time in other time zones. Viewing can be done by hovering or pointing to the taskbars clock.

Lets dig into the topic from Windows to registry. 


To add, click ‘Change date and time settings…’ and configure those clocks located at additional Clocks Tab. For each clock, click to check ‘Show this clock’. Select a time zone from the drop-down list, type a name up to 15 characters, and then click OK.


Editing Additional Clocks using Windows Registry

Use the start search, type “regedit” and go to the path below:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\TimeDate\AdditionalClocks\1

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\TimeDate\AdditionalClocks\2


Data Value Type  
DisplayName String Value any name
Enable DWORD Value 1 or 0
TzRegKeyName String Value Time Zone


Time Zone   Registry Value
UTC-12:00 International Dateline West Dateline Standard Time
UTC-11:00 Coordinated Universal Time UTC-11
UTC-10:00 Hawaii Hawaiian Standard Time
UTC-9:00 Alaska Alaska Standard Time
UTC-8:00 Baja California Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)
UTC-7:00 Arizona US Mountain Standard Time
UTC-7:00 Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)
UTC-7:00 Mountain Time (US & Canada) Mountain Standard Time
UTC-6:00 Central America Central America Standard Time
UTC-6:00 Central America (US & Canada) Central Standard Time
UTC-6:00 Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey Central Standard Time (Mexico)
UTC-6:00 Saskatchewan Canada Central Standard Time
UTC-5:00 Bogota, Lima, Quito SA Pacific Standard Time
UTC-5:00 Eastern Time (US & Canada) Eastern Standard Time
UTC-5:00 Indiana (East) US Eastern Standard Time
UTC-4:30 Caracas Venezuela Standard Time
UTC-4:00 Asuncion Paraguay Standard Time
UTC-4:00 Atlantic Time (Canada) Atlantic Standard Time
UTC-4:00 Cuiaba Central Brazilian Standard Time
UTC-4:00 Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan SA Western Standard Time
UTC-4:00 Santiago Pacific SA Standard Time
UTC-3:30 Newfoundland Newfoundland Standard Time
UTC-3:00 Brasilia E. South America Standard Time
UTC-3:00 Buenos Aires Argentina Standard Time
UTC-3:00 Cayenne, Fortaleza SA Eastern Standard Time
UTC-3:00 Greenland Greenland Standard Time
UTC-3:00 Montevideo Montevideo Standard Time
UTC-3:00 Salvador Bahia Standard Time
UTC-2:00 Coordinated Universal Time-02 UTC-02
UTC-2:00 Mid-Atlantic Mid-Atlantic Standard Time
UTC-1:00 Azores Azores Standard Time
UTC-1:00 Cape Verde Is. Cape Verde Standard Time
UTC Casablanca Morocco Standard Time
UTC Coordinated Universal Time UTC
UTC Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London GMT Standard Time
UTC Monrovia, Reykjavik Greenwich Standard Time
UTC+1:00 Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna W. Europe Standard Time
UTC+1:00 Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague Central Europe Standard Time
UTC+1:00 Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris Romance Standard Time
UTC+1:00 Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb Central European Standard Time
UTC+1:00 West Central Africa W. Central Africa Standard Time
UTC+1:00 Windhoek Namibia Standard Time
UTC+2:00 Amman Jordan Standard Time
UTC+2:00 Athens, Bucharest GTB Standard Time
UTC+2:00 Beirut Middle East Standard Time
UTC+2:00 Cairo Egypt Standard Time
UTC+2:00 Damascus Syria Standard Time
UTC+2:00 Harare, Pretoria South Africa Standard Time
UTC+2:00 Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius FLE Standard Time
UTC+2:00 Istanbul Turkey Standard Time
UTC+2:00 Jerusalem Israel Standard Time
UTC+2:00 Nicosia E. Europe Standard Time
UTC+3:00 Baghdad Arabic Standard Time
UTC+3:00 Kaliningrad,Minsk Kaliningrad Standard Time
UTC+3:00 Kuwait, Riyadh Arab Standard Time
UTC+3:00 Nairobi E. Africa Standard Time
UTC+3:30 Tehran Iran Standard Time
UTC+4:00 Abu Dhabi, Muscat Arabian Standard Time
UTC+4:00 Baku Azerbaijan Standard Time
UTC+4:00 Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd Russian Standard Time
UTC+4:00 Port Luis Mauritius Standard Time
UTC+4:00 Tbilisi Georgian Standard Time
UTC+4:00 Yerevan Caucasus Standard Time
UTC+4:30 Kabul Afghanistan Standard Time
UTC+5:00 Islamabad, Karachi Pakistan Standard Time
UTC+5:00 Tashkent West Asia Standard Time
UTC+5:30 Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi India Standard Time
UTC+5:30 Sri Jayewardenepura Sri Lanka Standard Time
UTC+5:45 Kathmandu Nepal Standard Time
UTC+6:00 Astana Central Asia Standard Time
UTC+6:00 Dhaka Bangladesh Standard Time
UTC+6:00 Ekaterinburg Ekaterinburg Standard Time
UTC+6:30 Yangon (Rangoon) Myanmar Standard Time
UTC+7:00 Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta SE Asia Standard Time
UTC+8:00 Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi China Standard Time
UTC+8:00 Krasnoyarsk North Asia Standard Time
UTC+8:00 Kuala Lumpur, Singapore Singapore Standard Time
UTC+8:00 Perth W. Australia Standard Time
UTC+8:00 Taipei Taipei Standard Time
UTC+8:00 Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar Standard Time
UTC+9:00 Irkutsk North Asia East Standard Time
UTC+9:00 Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Standard Time
UTC+9:00 Seoul Korea Standard Time
UTC+9:30 Adelaide Cen. Australia Standard Time
UTC+9:30 Darwin AUS Central Standard Time
UTC+10:00 Brisbane E. Australia Standard Time
UTC+10:00 Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney AUS Eastern Standard Time
UTC+10:00 Guam, Port Moresby West Pacific Standard Time
UTC+10:00 Hobart Tasmania Standard Time
UTC+10:00 Yakutsk Yakutsk Standard Time
UTC+11:00 Solomon Is., New Caledonia Central Pacific Standard Time
UTC+11:00 Vladivostok Vladivostok Standard Time
UTC+12:00 Auckland, Wellington New Zealand Standard Time
UTC+12:00 Coordinated Universal Time+12 UTC+12
UTC+12:00 Fiji Fiji Standard Time
UTC+12:00 Magadan Magadan Standard Time
UTC+13:00 Nuku’alofa Tonga Standard Time
UTC+13:00 Samoa Samoa Standard Time


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Displaying the Run Option in Start Menu

Start Menu Run option is not included as default feature in newer version of Windows. Probably the designers  is comfortable and want to popularize the Start Search feature. Anyway, how to re-enable the option is easy…

Right Click the Taskbar > Properties > Start Menu Tab and Click “Customize…” button

Then, Click to check “Run command” to enable the option…


Using the Registry to Enable “Run…” item in Start Menu

You can also enable the option using Windows Registry if everything seems goes wrong e.g. the Taskbar hangs

So, open your Windows Registry (Win logo key + R) and type “Regedit” and go to the registry folder below



Once you reach the folder, right-click > New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and use the value name “Start_ShowRun” and data as 1 as shown above.

Finally, Restart your computer afterwards…

That’s it!


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Quick Tip: HTML Printing using command prompt

If you have a long website information to print everyday. Here’s the command that you can execute.


HTML Printing via command line

rundll32.exe mshtml.dll,PrintHTML "filename"


rundll32.exe mshtml.dll,PrintHTML "H:\study\formatparagraph3.html"




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Google Analytics Visitors Reports

Google Analytics is a service that generates visitors website statistics. The tool made it easy for non-specialist and experts to practice performance focused analysis.

New vs Returning


This visitor report gives you a quick view at the ratio of people who had never been to your site to returning visitors by number of visits and its percentage.

You can look at the relative economic impact of new vs returning visitors by viewing the Ecommerce statistics and adding advanced segments for New and Returning Visitors. When you segment the report this way, you get side-by-side statistics for things like overall revenue, the number of transactions, and the average value of each transaction for each population.

Frequency & Recency  

This reports gives you a quick look at the user interest in your site from the view of how frequently visitors return to your site within a time frame. The data are calculated per unique visitor.



The report lets you take at look at the visitors origin e.g. Continent, Sub Continent, Country and City. 

Understanding each users location can also help you where to focus your advertising.

Audience Overview

The Audience reports views lets you to understand the demographics, behaviors, and technologies of your visitors. For example, where do your best customers live? Or, identify geographic areas that send you high-engagement traffic, see at engagement metrics such as Pages/Visit and Avg. Time on Site.

Is your visitors made up of new audiences or visitors who come back to the site regularly?

What paths do visitors take through your site? Look at the Flow report.


overview newsvsreturning2007_2011

A view of visitor metrics.

You can see visits shown as line graph, new vs returning visitors as pie chart, and a list of values for each of the following metrics:

• Visits - total no. of visits
• Unique Visitors - total no. of unique visitors
• Pageviews - total no. of pages viewed
• Pages per Visit - average number of pages viewed
• Average Time on Site - average time on site for each visitor
• Bounce Rate - percent of single-page visits
• New Visitors - percent of total visitors who visited your site for the first time

In the table at the bottom of the report, you can see metrics for the following dimensions:

• Language
• Country/Territory
• City
• Browser
• Operating System
• Service Provider
• Mobile Operating System
• Mobile Service Provider
• Mobile Screen Resolution

Browser & OS  

This report lets you see the different web browsers users are using to visit your site, along with other data about the systems such as operating system, screen resolution, screen colors, Flash version, and Java support.

This information is helpful when you are making design decisions about your site.


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Theming Settings: Appearance and Desktop Wallpapers

Another way to access and enable themes in Windows 7 and above…

This tip is usually not being use everyday and usually for everyday geek computing only.

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl desk,@Themes /Action:OpenTheme /file:Filename

You can create a shortcut for the syntax above for applying windows themes. There are many free themes available at microsoft and all you need to do is to visit the site and choose any theme that you want.


rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl desk,@Themes /Action:OpenTheme /file:"C:\Users\User\Downloads\Ice.themepack"

Cool?! Thanks for reading the article!


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Quick Tip: Connect to Network Window

Connect or reconnect to available wireless networks, wired, dial-up and VPN connection that you can connect to.


What if you can’t find or click the Connect To Window?


All you need to do is to run the command below:

rundll32.exe van.dll,RunVAN

Happy New Year!



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