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How to Install IIS (Internet Information Services) in Windows Server


Windows Server is the leader in terms of operating system unit and revenues. According to Wikipedia, Internet Information Server is a Web Server application on the Internet created by Microsoft for use with Windows. It is the most used Web server after Apache HTTP Server.

It provides a reliable, manageable, and scalable Web application application infrastructure.

IIS is not turned on by default when Windows is installed.

How to activate the Internet Information Services

Once the Initial configuration Task Window is ready, go to the Add roles option.


If not loaded, you can access this using the Server Manager window


Select to check the “Web Server (IIS)” option and follow the Wizard instruction.


It’s really fast and easy!


Once the Web Server Installation is finished and you want to add more features, go to the “Add Role Services”


and Select the Role Services that you want to add e.g. CGI


Click the Install option.


That’s it!


Unlock For Us

Network Folder Not Available in Browse for Folder Window


Alright, I encountered this problem when installing SQL using Web Developer Express edition and I’m going to have some quick solution to the problem using the command interpreter.

There has been some problem in your user-rights, probably not yet configured in the computer you are connecting to, your Windows 7 network automatically use the IP version 6 configuration and IPv4 has wrong 32-bit integer value.


Go to your run Window (Win+R) and launch the command interpreter (cmd.exe)

Once the tool is open (cmd.exe), use the command

net use {drive} \\{computer name or IP address}\{shared folder}

Here’s an example below where the driver letter is y:, the computer name is vistauser-pc and the shared folder is Q.


Now, you can browse the network folder.


If you can’t still see the folder, you can type the path manually as shown above.

Thanks for reading this article!


Unlock For Us

Have Fun Learning CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language designed for the look and formatting of web pages written in HTML.

Sample design

Cool right?

I’ve been busy learning several introductory topics and technologies from Asp.net, CSS, Ajax, Microsoft AJAX and Javascript for three weeks now. I already had some background for the languages designed for engineering purposes but for website design – none.

I’m going to share some of my experiences along the way.

Open your Notepad or you can use the free Visual Web Developer Express Edition and try learning CSS…

Default HTML Code




You can insert the CSS code between the <head> … </head> and <body> … </body> section


<style type="text/css">
margin: 3px;
border: 1px solid #000fff;
float: left;
div.im a:hover im {border: 3px solid #96cf23;}



The CSS code for adding border, margin and floating the images left

margin: 3px;
border: 1px solid #000fff;
float: left;

Adding a hover effect once the mouse is located on top of the image

div.im a:hover im {border: 3px solid #96cf23;}

In the <body> … </body> section, lets try using the CSS code using an image.

Default syntax for Image with specified ID, Height and Width

<img src="star.jpg" id="1" height = "90" width = "100"/>

Finalized code


<style type="text/css">
margin: 3px;
border: 1px solid #000fff;
float: left;
div.im a:hover img {border: 3px solid #96cf23;}


<div class="im"><a href="#"><img id="1" src="http://windowsforus.com/y3/star.jpg" width="110" height="90" /></a> </div>

<div class="im"><a href="#"><img id="2" src="http://windowsforus.com/y3/star.jpg" width="110" height="90" /></a> </div>

<div class="im"><a href="#"><img id="3" src="http://windowsforus.com/y3/star.jpg" width="110" height="90" /></a> </div>

<br clear="all" />


Thanks for reading the article!



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