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Scour Videos - Watch and Listen Music and Videos for Free

Ever wanted to see and watch Guitar Music and Other kind of Videos for FREE? We'll be launching Scour Videos to compensate popularity of Audio and Video Clips today.

We'll be using MP4 as the default format of videos - because of its compression and popularity. According to Microsoft, The term encoding applies to the process of conversion of files in digital video and/or audio from one standard format to another, for what? its purpose is to reduce the file sizeand producing a format that can be use to broad range of devices and apps. This process is called video compression, or transcoding.


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Free Windows Upgrade: Forever OS

Custom upgrade for your Windows Desktop for simple security features and load stability.

- Putting Password to every application with UAC is very easy using secure mode

- Songs from Internet Archive MP3s are free to listen.

- Access administrative and advanced tools easily using right-click menus.

- Security is not a question because of No Host Code logic, all are static and no moving frames.

- GO BACK to Windows Easily.

Note: Tested on Windows 7 only, Disclaimer: try Windows 10 with no sunctions.

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