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Add "Disable UAC" or "Enable UAC" to Right-click Menu / Context Menu


"Do you want to open this file, Are you sure? (Really?)"

This is the simplest example and explanation of the new security model in Windows Vista called UAC. This feature is still included in Windows 7 in which even the Administrator will operate in a reduced privilege login and all you have to do is to confirm.

CONS: Totally Annoying, Your system "feels" slowly and It seems unintelligent but it's not.



PROS: Security Rocks!

1. All the Rootkits and Worms even the new undetectable ones by Anti-Virus Software can be detected.

2. Modification of System Files by any software vendor (even Microsoft) will be detected.

3. IE 7 uses UAC to run in Protected mode that detects any add-on e.g. Adobe flash before installation and Spyware that wants to modify your system files.

4. Protects your Network from Hackers and Trojan viruses (If not yet compromised).

5. You can learn many things...

and many more...

I know many people doesn't like UAC because they have enough protection using Anti-Spyware/Rotkits/Virus and it's annoying for them.

I don't Recommend that, but it's up to you. Just don't forget that Protected Mode in Internet Explorer will be useless after disabling UAC. Therefore:

1. Do not use IE: Use Google Chrome or Firefox instead.

2. Install a Good Anti-Virus with Anti-Spyware/Malware/Rootkit Protection.

3. Use a Lower Privilege user login while browsing the Internet.

User Account Control (UAC) Right-Click / Context Menu

Using the Command that can be found on msconfig.exe and by using my Universal Elevation Script.

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Now, you can easily Switch it off by adding the command to your context menu. How? It's easy!

1. Download WinBubbles and Go to [WinBubble Directory]\Tools\

2. Create a duplicate of lawrence.vbs and rename it to any filename e.g. DisableEnableUAC.vbs

3. Open it with notepad and modify the 7th line.

4. Use the Following code:

objApp.shellExecute "cmd.exe", " /c %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d " & strArg & " /f", , "runas", 1

Great! Now you have a Command-Line vb script program to switch on/off UAC


DisableEnableUAC 0                    ---> Turn Off UAC

DisableEnableUAC 1                    ---> Turn ON UAC

If you are having difficulties in creating the script, download here

5. Put the program to your Context Menu

a. Open Winbubbles > Go to Miscellaneous Tab > Decide where do you want to put the Context Menu Item > Example: Desktop Right-Click Menu, Click "Explorer/Desktop" Button > Click the BROWSE Button


b. Go to  the Location of the Vbscript File and type "*.vbs" > Click the File (DisableEnableUAC) and Open Button

c. Type Any name example: Disable UAC

d. Modify the Command:

To Turn-Off UAC

wscript "[path]" 0

To Restore UAC

wscript "[path]" 1


wscript "C:\MyProg\WinBubble\Tools\DisableEnableUAC.vbs" 0


Finally, Click the ADD Button.

Just repeat the steps above for the Next Item.

Note: Please Reboot your Computer after Disabling/Enabling UAC




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