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Force Youtube Video to Stream in Normal Quality

We all know the famous URL+&fmt=18 trick lets you watch youtube video in a higher quality which is great but sometimes when you click the watch in normal quality link, it doesn't works! (hang) Due to slow Internet Connection or a Web Browser Bug?


If you are using a iBurst / GPRS / 3G / HSDPA and other distance, position and weather-sensitive technology to connect to Internet sometimes due to changes in weather conditions, it is annoying that it takes forever to watch a single Youtube Video.

Update 05/12/2009: Youtube.com was updated. There is no need for the script. But try it! maybe it will work again.

Youtube Video Quality Switcher Script that fix my problem

Force the Higher Quality (HQ) to switch to standard or normal mode.

javascript:changeVideoQuality(yt.VideoQualityConstants.LOW); hideDiv('lq-link'); showDiv('hq-link');

Stream in a Higher Quality

javascript:changeVideoQuality(yt.VideoQualityConstants.HIGH); hideDiv('hq-link'); showDiv('lq-link');

Just copy and paste the script to your Address Bar.


Tested in Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

Right now I'm trying to understand what's the source of the problem. Anyway, Please post your comments and suggestions.

Thanks in Advance!


Read more Youtube Javascript Tips and Tricks: Google Chrome, Safari, Opera and Firefox YouTube Hack



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