Unlock For Us

WinTinker Password Generator

WinTinker Password Generator makes sure that the passwords you will use for online banking, social networking sites and computers are strong and secure.


Main Features:

  • Freeware application that easily creates easy-to-remember words that can be use as a secure password that combines all Upper Case, Lower Case, Numbers and Symbol.
  • Creates unreadable Randomly generated password that you can write down for free.
  • Generates a password that balances the unrecognizable secure passwords and easy-to-remember password ones. From a very simple suggested password like “carlo” into a strong and encrypted words.

The Web App version was featured at MakeUseOf.com as one of the cool websites and tools…. Wow! Thank you so much!

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majorgeeks MajorGeeks Storms coming in!

freewarefiles Great thanks FreewareFiles.com!

link_downloadnow Betanews.com Thank you so much!

Thanks Softpedia for being the first website to upload the app. Wow!



“WinTinker Password Generator will offer you the possibility to make sure the that passwords…are very strong, secure and hard to break.”



“WinTinker Password Generator enables you to generate easy-to-remember, yet secure, passwords. ”


Passwords are “secret string of characters” that help ensure unauthorized users do not access our personal files, documents and information.

WinTinker easily generates strong and secure password.

Thank you so much for the review Softpedia.com and Snapfiles.com, Majorgeeks.com and FreewareFiles.com for the amazing services and Betanews.com for the upload!




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