Unlock For Us

Customized Short and Long URL or Web Site Addresses


This is the year that I’m going to expand and make hybrid applications that merges both web and windows apps. The year of Tweaking each famous Web applications.

How URL Shortening Works?

URL shortening is a process of making long web addresses easily recognizable. Bloggers can use this to redirect or forward to another page and regular users can use these for pasting urls on social networking sites .

From this long web URL


into http://WindowsForUs.com?ca46

or short ones!

http://friendster.com or http://facebook.com/profile/yourname  into http://windowsforus.com?:P


As far as I know, this is the only website that offers a customization of Long and Short URLs into different length of characters (and many more features soon).

Try Now!!!! http://WindowsForUs.com/Url/

Again, Ideas will always be apart of innovation.




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