Unlock For Us

UnlockThis! The NEW Yahoo Search

Yahoo! search is trying to fix and innovate their platform one by one, that's a good thing. It will benefit the Internet users as long as there's a competition.

Top two new features

If you are having some difficult searching whatever you want to find in the web there's a new addition to yahoo search called Yahoo!Search Assist!

search assist

Yahoo! Search Assist

When you search something in the front page of yahoo.com, it will give you suggestions, words that include what you are searching. When you try searching again, it will sense that you have some difficulty in finding words. It will give you another category called Explore Concepts, it is a list of topics related to the word you are trying to find.

Example: I searched 'Brain drain', when I tried typing again, it will show related topics like 'immigrants, united states, canada, etc'.

According to their findings about 61% increase in successful task completion when users use this feature. That's cool!

Better Multimedia Experience

When you search something and there's a video about that topic. It will have a thumbnail view. When you click it, It will play on that page.


What do you think about it? For me it's cool...



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