Unlock For Us

UnlockMe! Secure logon for Windows XP and Vista

Secure Logon is a common feature of office computers on a domain network which guarantees an authentic login prompt, protecting the system from programs that mimic a logon to retrieve password information.


Enable Secure Logon in Windows Vista

  1. Type netplwiz in the Run window (Windows+R) or Start Menu’s Search box
  2. Click "Continue" button if UAC is turn on. In the Advanced User Account window, click the Advanced tab.
  3. Select the Require users to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete check box.

 Enable Secure Logon in Windows XP

  1. Go to Start menu-> Control Panel (Classic View) -> User Accounts 
  2. In the Advanced User account window, click the Advanced tab.
  3. Select the Require users to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete check box.

How to use:

You have to press Ctrl+Alt+Del on your keyboard to unlock your computer before you can logon to Windows.



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