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Showing posts from 2020

Using Windows Registry to Hide and Show Change Password option at Welcome Screen

When you press CTRL+ALT+DEL key, you'll see Change Password as one of the menu options. How to hide the menu using Windows Registry? 1. Press Win + R and type "regedit" 2. Go to the registry folder: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System 3. Right-Click and enter the following as New DWORD Value: DisableChangePassword DisableChangePassword = 0 (Show) DisableChangePassword = 1 (Hide) System configuration information is stored centrally in a database called the Windows registry. You can use Registry Editor to add and edit registry keys and values like above.  

[Upgrade] Handmade OS for DIY and Working People

Share your thoughts regarding this new Windows Desktop Upgrade called Handmade OS. It was written 100% in and Option explicit code is the priority.  Custom upgrade for your Windows Desktop. - New Search Menu options with Notepad Coder and Electronic Workbench Application - Access to Wordpad and Lawrence Spreadsheet directly as an alternative to Office. - Putting Password to every important application is very easy using secure mode - Songs from Archive are free to listen. - The fastest search or file finder in the world. - Access administrative and advanced tools easily. - Security is not a question because of No Host Code logic, no written program to smell. - Go back to Windows Easily.   Note: Windows 7 only Download Now Direct Download Screenshots

Links Computers around the Globe using World Wide Web (WWW)

Your computer can be use to connect to the Internet, a network that links computers around the world. Surfing the web is available for a data fee in most urban areas, and increasingly, in less populated areas. With Internet, you can communicate with people all over the world and read vast amount of information. Here are some of the most popular things to do with computers: 1. The World Wide Web is a big-bytes of data and gigantic storehouse of information. The web contains millions of websites and billions of webpages. Just use search engines to dig those important data that you need. 2. Surfing the web can find information on the web about almost any topic imaginable. For example, you can read news stories and movie reviews, check airline schedules, see street maps, get the weather forecast for your city, or research a health condition. Reference sources, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias, are also widely available. 3. The Internet is also a shopper's delight. You can browse ...

Tips for safely using e-mail and the web

E-mail or electronic mail is a convenient way to communicate with others using computers. When you send an e-mail message, it arrives instantly in the recipient's e-mail inbox. You can send e-mail to many people simultaneously, and save, print, and forward e-mail to others. You don't need any postage stamp! 1. Caution: E-mail attachments such as files attached to e-mail messages are a primary source of virus infection. Never open a file attachment from someone you don't know. 2. Be careful when clicking hyperlinks in e-mail messages. Hyperlinks are links that open to websites when you click them. 3. If a website asks for a credit card number, bank information, or other personal information, make sure that you trust the website and is secure.

[Updated] Understanding security and safe computing

If you share your computer to other people and using old versions like Windows 98 and below, you should take steps to protect your computer from harm. Why? People can connect by breaking into your computer. Anyway, If you use the latest version of Windows like Windows 7 and 10, using the Internet is now safe.   Protecting your computer These are several ways to help protect your computer against potential security threats: 1. Firewall. A firewall can help protect your computer by making sure the right access port and exe file that is permitted. FIY: Windows Firewall is built into Windows and is turned on automatically. 2. Using a Standard user account, 3. At Windows, UAC is still recommended. 4. Password or PIN feature is recommended 5. An account manager to user password, firewall, user rights and UAC is completely alright. A Standard User Account There are three different types of user accounts: ...

[All Windows] How to check your current login user

When you are logged on to Windows with a standard account, you cannot do all things that you can do with an administrator account. How to see the logon user? Anyway, this method is still secure because you still need the PASSWORD for the account. METHOD 1. Press Win Key plus R 2. type "cmd" 3. enter the syntax "whoami" to checked your current login account. ============================================== Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. C:\Users\Lawrence>whoami lawrence-pc\lawrence ==============================================  

Why use a standard user account (User mode) instead of an administrator account like XP?

The standard user account can help protect your PC or laptop by preventing users from making changes that can affect ALL who uses the computer. We recommend creating a standard user account for each user. When you are logged-in to Windows with a standard useraccount, you can do almost anything that you can do with administrator login, but if you want to do something that affects other users of the computer such as installing software, Windows might ask you to provide a password for the account. See:

EXE File for User Account Control (UAC) at c:\windows\system32 Folder

User Account Control (UAC) notifies you always for software changes that can occur to your computer administratively. It was designed to block or permit access to softwares that require administrator-level permission. DEFAULT The default UAC setting notifies you when you open programs and try to make changes to your computer. THE UAC PROGRAM SETTINGS 1. Press Win Key plus R 2. type "useraccountcontrolsettings" The following table provides a description of the UAC settings and the potential impact of each setting to the security of your computer. 1. ALWAYS NOTIFY - When Programs try to install software or make changes to my computer 2. DEFAULT - Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer 3. Notify - Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer - No Dim 4. Never Notify - so called XP Mode. No notifications when programs try to install software or make changes to my computer. From Microsoft: "We recommend that you log on to ...

40+ Inventions and Products at MOH ENGINEERING

Through the years of research and manufacturing of nature friendly electronics called CodeBase (CB). This technology lets you design circuits easily and can be understand by anyone. It is the analogy to understand binary systems.  Analog world can be digital also in nature. Promises - Digitally logical - 100% understanding of the circuit - True Technology designed for engineers and scientists BASIC IO FUNCTIONALITY SAMPLE INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEM NO POWER ALARM WITH COMPUTER MONITORING DOWNLOAD THE BROCHURE AND PRODUCTS-LINE UP HERE

How to add password to every important application software or programs you have

This is a must for every day securing of your data and installed programs. Desktop One OS  is a new desktop environment technology by this site that enables us to Work plus experience Multimedia features while Securing your Windows. How to Enable the Password Security feature in Windows 1. Install DirectX 11 FIRST and Desktop One OS, here . 2. Right-Click the Desktop >> Computer >> Password Protection Feature 3. To Restore >> Choose "Restore UAC Security Feature" That's it!

Desktop One OS: Work PC plus Multimedia plus Security options

The desktop enhancement OS lets you access your desktop in different ways. Live IPTV Channels for all your family needs and listen to Radio Channels from Philippines to United States. Custom upgrade for your Windows Desktop. - Access to Wordpad and Lawrence Spreadsheet directly as an alternative to Office. - Songs and videos from Archive are free to watch and listen. - See and hear international IPTV and Radio Channels. - The fastest search or file finder in the world. - Access administrative and advanced tools easily. - Security is not a question because of No Host Code logic, no written program to smell. - Go back to Windows Easily. Download DirectX 11 (Install First)

CodeBase Electronics: Lawrence Invents more than 100 Inventions

What is CodeBase Electronics ? CodeBase lets you design projects easily and can be understand by anyone. It is the analogy to understand binary systems. True Technologies (TT) by Mr. Lawrence Albert Pardo-Ilao Mr. Lawrence Albert is a Filipino Engineer at Naga City, Philippines. 1. He wrote several programs like WinBubble that hits several publications like PC World,,, Windows Weekly and CNET companies. 2. Later before going to CodeBase Electronics, he invented Maxima-Minima NO or procedural technique to solve ANY problems in Calculus. 3. CodeBase Electronics aims to understand and replace the current trends. He focused on computers and connects everything to it. Now with more than 100 inventions are related to the company. - SR function is very very understandable and no unknowns. - Rb or Base Resistance of Transistor biasing "Exact" and "Approximation" techniques was invented by him. Source:

Exclusive: Listen and Watch whats happening around the world

Crazy about the latest trends in the industry? Go with us and share your thoughts about this new Desktop Shell software called Multimedia OS. Source: The software have songs linked to the archive and movies to watch. Radio and IPTV banners are compilation from iptv-org and archive-org, and of-course Google and Bing, Ultimate-guitar, iconfinder and pixabay bought down fix, thanks. DOWNLOAD DirectX 11 (Install First) Innovators: Engr. Riafe Oliveros-Trinidad and Lawrence Albert Pardo-Ilao  

(Fix) File Error While Watching Top Gun Maverick (2020) and using the default Metro UI App

Having some problem opening and watching the movie, Top Gun: Maverick? Today, File error problem is frequent especially while using Windows Explorer. The program is not anymore reliable even in copy and paste! What to do: 1. Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste to your computer hard disk 4. Extract and Use the software to watch the movie. Enjoy!

Alternative Portable MP4 player and many formats for Windows 10

Finding a small and portable MP4 Player in the world with other formats? I wrote a program that can play videos for emergency like crashing file error problem with Windows Explorer. Its a solution to our computer problem not for competition with other player. How to get the program: 1. Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 2. copy and paste to your computer hard disk 3. Extract and Use the software for free. That's it!

(Fix) Crashing File Error on Video Player at Windows 10

When you open your current or default media player, file error window opens. Do we need to reinstall the Windows? or just the media player? If you have very important files, its alright to just open the video on another player like this. TIPS: 1. Open your video file in Lawrence Movie Player 2. Download first the file via 3. Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 4. copy and paste to your computer hard disk 5. Extract and Use the software to watch movie in Windows 10. That's it!

(Fix) Error on Playing Videos using the default player at Windows Explorer

After installation of your computer. The default player for playing videos are Metro UI apps already. Its not the built-in Windows Media Player 12. What to do if right-click error occurs on playing videos and you can't play any of them anymore? Use Lawrence Movie Player as an alternative or program for emergency. 1. Type "regedit.exe" at Run Window and browse HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and set "ScanWithAntiVirus" dword to 1. Reboot is required. 2. After Restart of computer: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste to your computer harddrive 4. Extract and Use the program. That's it!

(Fix) Stable Copy and Paste alternative desktop for Windows Explorer

Having problems on copying some files, small or large ones? Here you are! Choose a stable Desktop and try to experiment on copying files. Sometimes it will take you dozens and dozens of times trying to copy a file. You just need this tip. DOWNLOAD ANY DESKTOP BIN AND INSTALL 1. Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 2. copy and paste ANY DESKTOP BIN that you want to your computer 3. Extract and Install the program... 4.  Explore and Enjoy! Screenshots? Click Here

(Fix) Download Lawrence Movie Player for errors while playing movies

Today, its very difficult to make your life stable. Usual watching of movies seems the answer of many of us. Anyway, What to do if Windows 10 movie player produced errors? HOW TO DOWNLOAD 1. Type "regedit.exe" at Run Window or Win + R and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and set " ScanWithAntiVirus " dword to 1 . Reboot is required. 2. After Restarting your computer: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste to your computer hard disk 4. Extract and Use the program to watch movies incase of emergency. Hope this helps!

(Help) How to download Free Open Office software without a problem

Apache Open Office is a productivity suite designed for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics and databases. It is being used by governments, businesses and schools for free. Here's a way to download the program without error. 1. You need to patch Windows Registry 2. You need Lawrence Portable Web Browser DOWNLOAD HERE PATCHING THE REGISTRY 1. Type "regedit.exe" at Run Window or Win + R and browse HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and set "ScanWithAntiVirus" dword to 1. Restart is required. 2. After Restart of computer: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste to your computer 4. Extract and Use the program to DOWNLOAD HERE That's it!

(Fix) 7zip cannot be downloaded and Windows doesn't extract files

7zip is a free software program alternative to Windows zip. Making sure that you can zip and unzip your files using Windows explorer right-click menu is very useful. Anyway, we have the freewares online but how will you download for todays emergency? DOWNLOADING FILES ON THE WEB 1. No to download error that you can see everyday: Type "regedit.exe" at Run Window or Win + R and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and set "ScanWithAntiVirus" dword to 1. Reboot is required. 2. After Restart of computer: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste to your computer hard disk 4. Extract and Use the software to download 7zip on the web. That's it!

(Alternative) Windows Search hangs frequently when you used in Windows Explorer

Search is very important feature in computers. If something failed to start, we need to search for the solution or another application. Here's an alternative to Windows Search, Scour Technology. Scour let you find files easily and fastly in two features: 1. Using the default search that recursively scour for files. 2. List-Technology creates the fastest tool around. RECOMMENDED: USE LAWRENCE WEB BROWSER TO DOWNLOAD SCOUR 1. Type "regedit.exe" at Run Window or Win + R and browse HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and set "ScanWithAntiVirus" dword to 1. Reboot is required. 2. After Restart of computer: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste to your computer hard disk 4. Extract and Use the program to Dowload Scour at That's it!

(Fix) Can't download Windows 7 ISO using Edge, Chrome and Firefox

Windows 7 ISO is a form of CD/DVD emulation program which in layman terms,  A file type that corresponds to your CD/DVD Installer. No more buying of CD/DVD hardware! Its being use to backup those disks and save them as "ISO" file into your hard drive. Anyway, here's a way to download Windows 7 ISO for FREE over those browsers: TOOL TO DOWNLOAD FILES 1. Open "regedit.exe" at Run Window or Win + R and explore HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and set "ScanWithAntiVirus" dword to 1. Reboot is required. 2. After Restart of computer: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste to your computer hard disk. 4. Extract and Use the program to DOWNLOAD WINDOWS 7 ISO FOR FREE. That's it!

(Fix) BitComet can't be downloaded error and other freewares over the internet

Nowadays, BitComet is the only downloader of file sharing technology that can use magnet files over torrent sites. Everyone went down. How to download the application called BitComet? USING LAWRENCE WEB BROWSER TO DOWNLOAD FILES ON THE WEB 1. Type "regedit.exe" at Run Window or Win + R and browse HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and set " ScanWithAntiVirus " dword to 1 . Reboot is required. 2. After Restart of computer: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste to your computer hard disk 4. Extract and Use the program to download BitComet NOT other browsers. That's it!

Solution for saving files online using a free ftp site to transfer files

Here's a quick tip for people who wants to download freewares or transfer my softwares to their computer harddrive. HOW TO SAVE SOFTWARES 1. Go to "regedit" at Run Window and explore HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and set " ScanWithAntiVirus " dword to value of 1 . Reboot is required. 2. After Restart of computer: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste to your computer folder 4. Extract and Use the program as a solution for saving files online. Hope this helps!

(Fix) Can't download files online? How to overcome incase of emergency

In case of emergency this solution is very important to us. How to overcome the situation is very important. DOWNLOADING FILES ON THE WEB 1. You can overcome the download error by going to "regedit.exe" at Run Window or Win + R and browse: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and make sure " ScanWithAntiVirus " dword to 1 . Restart your computer. 2. After Restarting the computer: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste to your computer folder. 4. Extract and Use the program to browse the web and save files online. That's it!

Save URL while browsing the web and visit the site again later

In todays computing, anywhere you go internet is there to serve you. Researches online, work and even on rest times, we use a computer to browse the internet. How to save important URLs while browsing or after navigating the web? OVERCOME DOWNLOADING FILES ON THE WEB 1. you need to overcome the download error nowadays: Type "regedit.exe" at Run Window or Win + R and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and set " ScanWithAntiVirus " dword to 1 . Reboot is required. 2. After Restart of computer: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste to your computer harddrive 4. Extract and Use the program to by clicking SAVE URL button while browsing the web. That's it!

Free software to download files over the Internet without error

Having problems downloading files due to heavy traffic conditions over the internet? Heres an application or program to download files over the Internet 1. Type "regedit" at Run or WinKey + R and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and " ScanWithAntiVirus " dword is equal to 1 . Reboot is required. 2. After Restart: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste 4. Use the program to download any files online. That's it!

File Download Error due to virus infection and all websites and browsers seems affected

Heavy traffic surges further and windows automatically shifted to minimal state probably the reason why we are affected with this download error everyday. What to do: To stop the anti-virus from deleting your files, Type "regedit" at run window (WinKey+R) and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and "ScanWithAntiVirus" dword is equal to 1. Reboot is required. Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make copy and paste Use the program to download any files. That's it!

Problem or Error in Downloading Windows 10 ISO Files using any Web Browser

In today's computing, everyday is another day. Luck comes and goes as problems troubled us. How to download files over any Web Browsers. Here's a quick tip. Type "regedit" at run window (or Win+R) and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and make sure that " ScanWithAntiVirus " is equal to 1. Reboot is needed. Get Lawrence Portable Web Browser and use the program to download files online. Having problems downloading the browser? 1. Go to Windows Explorer 2. at the address: 3. Username: freedownload 4. Password: 1970make Just copy and paste. Hope this helps!

How to Download Files Over the Internet without Error for Emergency

Here's the situation, you can't download any files over Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera or even Maxthon! I told you guys several days ago... What can you do to fix that? Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make copy and paste Type "regedit" at run window and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and make sure that "ScanWithAntiVirus" is equal to 1. Restart is needed. Afterwards, use the program to Download files... and even send files online and of course browse the internet. Hope this helps!

A File contained a virus and was deleted from your Windows 10 computer

Now problems are arising all throughout the world. Here's a quick fix on how to avoid such disaster like downloading files online. Type "regedit" at run window and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and make sure that "ScanWithAntiVirus" is equal to 1. Reboot is required. Get Lawrence Portable Web Browser and use the program to download files online. Having problems downloading the browser? 1. Go to Windows Explorer 2. at the address: 3. Username: freedownload 4. Password: 1970make Just copy and paste. Hope this helps!

Adding Password to Lawrence Web Browser before launching the program

Desktop Bins features Internet-Secure-Desktop while surfing the internet. Builds are now stable that you can rely with the technology. Anyway, How to add password before going to use any program? 1. Download and install any Bin: Click here If you have any problems downloading, open Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 2. It doesn't do anything but moving the files from the installer. 3. After reboot, Press CTRL+SHIFT+S to secure your desktop. CTRL+SHIFT+R to restore. 4. Click the Internet Icon and if  Lawrence Portable Web Browser didn't show up, its located at C:\ShellCities\webbrowser.exe You'll see the prompting for password at UAC. Can we use the feature at Windows? Yes, we can do that by switching to windows. Any Application or programs with UAC will  have passwords asking. Thanks for reading!

Update: New emergency features of Lawrence Portable Web Browser

Web browsers are very important nowadays. Most of us always wants transactions to be perfect and no problems. Lets discuss how the new version was updated and its features that can help for emergency situations. Download the Program: Click Here Having problems downloading? use your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 1. Portability  - the 47 kb program was updated and even the smallest memory space for flash drives and harddisk is capable of storing the program. 2. Simplicity - No other options and features except web browsing, FileShared and Saving URL or noting your Web URLs 3. OLD and NEW (2 in 1) - The browser is an old IE Technology for stability plus EDGE emulation 4. Tested at Life Desktop Bin: Download and try your new Internet-Secure-Desktop. Hope this helps!

How to enable default account administrator or any user hidden in your Windows 10 computer

By default, there are two accounts after installation of  your computer. One is yours {Username} and the other is {Administrator}. How to enable users hidden in Windows 10 Net user {username} /active:yes e.g. net user administrator /active:yes To be able to see the list of users you can use the command: C:\Users\Lawrence> net user User accounts for \\DESKTOP-EP1ICBM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Administrator            DefaultAccount           Guest Lawrence                 WDAGUtilityAccount The command completed successfully. That's it!

Shortcut key to run any program as administrator mode or UAC prompt

Here's a quick tip on launching any program using a keyboard shortcut or hotkey combination. Running a program can be done through: Run Window Search box Right-click menu How to run them automatically going to Administrator mode: Press CTRL+SHIFT+Enter before launching the program at Run Window and Search Box. It will prompt or UAC will be there to ask question to continue or not. That's it!

New and old command to access changing of time and date at Windows 10

After installation of your computer, time zone and changing of date manually and automatically like cellphones are not included directly now into the Windows OS. Clicking seems now doesn't works. What to do Go to All Settings which most of the people doesn't know it and type "Time": Once it is set manually changes, we can now apply the new time and date Anyway, We can still access changing of Time and date, adding of clocks and changing time zones by typing: timedate.cpl to Run Window. That's it!

FileShared: Upload your file and send the generated download link afterwards

Quick way to attach files and get the download link for sending the file to your friends anywhere in the world!     Using Lawrence Web Browser , a portable utility for emergency use can upload your files easily and fast! Click the Fileshared Button and upload your files afterwards. A download link will be generated by the tool. For stability and file size concern, try the windows application to upload and get the link.   That's it!

Veristic finds executable scripts designed for possible virus infection

The program is a file-finder and analysis software invented to anti-virus  your computer with administrative functions.   The software can disable autoplay of files -viruses and worms subsequently  stopping them from launching automatically. The program can show hidden and system files for scanning purposes It can also scan and show hidden drives   You just need to push scan and that's it! Wait for the program to respond.   Technology Behind The author said, "The program came from Scour and Bins " a technology for scanning mp3 files across the drives. plus changing it to ".vbs" or executable scripts. Download any Bins and extract the zip file to Install. At C:\ShellCities\veristic.exe is free of charge. Anyway at Desktop-Bin you can use the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+G.

How to Switch to Secure mode and User Mode using a Keyboard Shortcut

Everyday a stronger system is always used because someone might-steal your credentials by passing quickly so don't leave your computer unused. Programs and applications must have passwords to make sure that invalid usages of them do not occur.   HOW TO SAFEGUARD YOUR COMPUTER FROM HACKERS 1. Go to 2. Choose and download bin. 3. Extract the program and Install it. 4. The program doesn't put any, it just moves installation folders. 5. Upon Reboot, your computer will go to your chosen Bin 6. Try CTRL+SHIFT+S to Secure mode 7. Try CTRL+SHIFT+R to User mode   Now you have a Secure-Internet Desktop...   Enjoy!

One way to free up disk space in Windows 10

It is good to delete unnecessary files? Let your system do the job well done.   Disk Clean up is a very good and simple way to clean up your files instead of doing it manually: %windir%\system32\cleanmgr.exe     The tool is highly recommended for all ages. For advanced topics, try Scour for manually finding and deleting files...   That's it!

Commands to Share and Add Drives to your Computer Networks such as LAN and WAN

Mapping of Network Folder now ain't popular. Let's tackle and dig about the topic why you need this technology up to extreme.   Long distances and Wide-Area-Networks Plain-old-Telephone-system or POTS can use this technology using dial-up server technology started at Windows 95. Using DOS or command prompt you can share the folder and let people connect using: Net use z: \\computername\sharename e.g. net use j: \\lawrence-pc\mp3   At modern times, we can do this by using the command Rundll32 Shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL Connect and its easy to use the technology because of the connection wizard  at windows. After that its recommended to use DOS or command prompt interpreter NOT explorer . Coz' it will hang.   Across Local Area Network or LAN, sharing files is the same and speeds now clock at 1GBPS because of NIC (Network Interface Card) specifications. Wireless are almost the same, try that even at games such as StarCraft.   Sharing Files at t...

How to manage your User Account Setting and changes using a command line

User Accounts corresponds to passwords of your login, account type, other accounts and security features of the Windows OS to the user.   Changes that you can do to your User Account using the Window options manage your credentials create a password reset disk manage your file encryption certificates configure advanced user profile properties change my environmental variables   Quick PC Settings changing account name changing account type managing another account change the User Account Control settings   Command line to access User Accounts using Run Window RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL nusrmgr.cpl

(Fix) Download Lawrence Portable Web Browser for Emergency

Web Browser is very important in our daily life today. We are using all transactions and researches using Browser everyday. What will you do in case of emergency like shutting down of all browsers? This browser uses old technology of IE plus EDGE Its very small and tiny to carry everyday Its very simple and you don't need any study of the tool No icon Neat and no other tricks behind the tool OVERCOME DOWNLOADING FILES ON THE WEB 1. Type "regedit" at Run or WinKey + R and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments and "ScanWithAntiVirus" dword is equal to 1. Reboot is required. 2. After rebooting the computer: Open your Windows Explorer and type Username: freedownload Password: 1970make 3. copy and paste 4. Use the program to download any files online. That's it!

Cshared: How to Publish your Works and Shared them

Ever wanted to write, share files, songs, movie clips, books and software application online? Cshared will published them on several websites and you still have the right to published them on other companies...     What to do Don't forget to write and include your name, description of your work and introduction and include them in one package e.g. zip file. then afterwards go to and use desktop uploader if the file size is bigger than 3mb. We will review your work and published them later... GOOD LUCK!

Desktop Bin upgrades Windows Desktop for FREE

Customized and Tweak everything in your Windows OS! Desktop-Bin lets you upgrade your Desktop and vividly pick and download Bins! The site is undergoing everyday update... Its a small and minimal version of Windows Desktop. Download NOW This "true" technology can access applications easily using this administrative and custom version of Windows. - The fastest search around! - Your secure Internet-enabled Desktop - Music Player with scan and add files and folder capability... - Access administrative and advanced tools easily. - Switch to Secure mode and User mode. - Go back to Windows Easily

Lawrence Music Player designed for Windows 10

Lawrence Music Player is a very simple and easy to use media player designed for Windows 10. The player can add multiple files and scan your hardrive for audio files such as mp3, ogg, wma and m4a. Download

Never Shutdown Windows Automatically

You noticed that your computer automatically shutdowns or go to sleeps. Also, turns off after few hours or minutes watching videos. What can you do to fix that? Reference: Go to start menu search and type "cmd"... Once the command interpreter opens, type "powercfg.cpl,1" Click Hardisk Tree and Plugin option and type "0". You'll see NEVER option. Hope this helps!