Mapping of Network Folder now ain't popular. Let's tackle and dig about the topic why you need this technology up to extreme.
Long distances and Wide-Area-Networks
Plain-old-Telephone-system or POTS can use this technology using dial-up server technology started at Windows 95. Using DOS or command prompt you can share the folder and let people connect using:
Net use z: \\computername\sharename
e.g. net use j: \\lawrence-pc\mp3
At modern times, we can do this by using the command
Rundll32 Shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL Connect
and its easy to use the technology because of the connection wizard at windows. After that its recommended to use DOS or command prompt interpreter NOT explorer. Coz' it will hang.
Across Local Area Network or LAN, sharing files is the same and speeds now clock at 1GBPS because of NIC (Network Interface Card) specifications.
Wireless are almost the same, try that even at games such as StarCraft.
Sharing Files at the Internet
You can do this using Public IP-addresses and the other can have Local/Public. Next, FileShared maybe?
That's it!
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