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Showing posts from May, 2009

[Free] How to Watch and Download PBS-NOVA Programs: Science and Technology in Full Episodes

This is the coolest Discovery Channel and National Geographic like Movies in Youtube. By the way, It’s FREE!!! Sad to say, for now the pageviews are very low. This is a reponse to Mr. ikh question: “Hi, Can you make this work… I want vids from PBS. ” Thanks for asking! The Great Robot Race: The Race of the Century In this race there are no drivers. It’s the first race ever that the machines takes all the decisions. I remember I watched this movie with my friends while working in Japan. This is the Best Robot Race I’ve ever seen! Nice Stanley!!! Go Robo-Geeks!!! Someday I will make one… I have something for Stanley :D Note: Downloading Youtube Videos needs permission to the uploader. Saving Clips for Offline Viewing Youtube File Hack 1.5 , lets you to download these in two ways. One in Internet Explorer and i...

Windows Vista Home Premium is Asking for Product Key Activation

Several months ago I went to another place - before I arrived, my good old best friend went to ACER service center  to fix his computer. During my stay, after several weeks with no problem, Windows Vista just stops working and asking for product key. Isn’t that odd? “This is my newly installed laptop and I've just sent it to ACER to fix. I’m doing important things right now… and this thing happened. I’m calling ACER right-now.” I told him to calm down and let me take a look first. Maybe it is just a security thing of Microsoft for anti-piracy. I realized that WinGuggle (my software to backup Windows Vista Serial Key) will not work this time. “Why don’t you enter the product key at the back of your computer?” It works!   Here’s the picture in real situation:   Most of the laptops now: No installation Disc (ACER, ASUS, HP and others). That’s why I always like DELL . The installer is included and you can customize every...

Easily Remove or Set the OEM Logo and Support Information in Windows 7/Vista/XP

If you installed the Free released version of Windows 7 , you will find out that there is no Original Equipment Manufacturer information like DELL, HP, ACER, ASUS and Lenovo logo. Using WinBubbles-Lite 2009 you can separately customize or add a Logo in the System Properties, and Performance Information and Tools Window. Also, you’ll noticed that when you set the logo in Performance Information and Tools Window, there is a difference between the size or layout in Windows 7 and Vista.   The Logo became flat or wider in Windows 7. Windows Vista That’s why I provided a separate Windows 7 OEM Logo Customization tool in WinBubbles-Lite 2009 . Hidden Tip for Windows 7 and Vista: User Accounts Pictures can be use as a logo. Just go to "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures" folder. If you can’t find the directory, press Alt-T > Folder Options > View Tab and Select “ Show hidden files and folders ” Simply Click the blank ...

Skip the Welcome Screen in Windows 7/Vista/XP

Almost a year ago… I used to work in one of the 100% - subsidiaries of one of the biggest companies in the world – actually it is included in the Top Fortune 500 companies and they have different products and Engineering Services like Ship Building, Weapons, Power Plants and many more. I worked in Power Plant Manufacturing and Engineering for almost 4 years as a DCS Engineer and later became a Design Engineer 2. I remember my local team leader at home asked me when I was sent to Japan for work: “How can I remove or disable entering of passwords in Windows?” - “Just removed the password?” :D Windows Vista Last time, I wrote a short article in Windows Vista, read here: Login Automatically in Windows Vista Windows 7 The procedure is the same in Windows 7…                              Read the Article ...

How to Add or Put Message Before Login in Windows 7/Vista/XP

A long time ago in a far away land… I used to live in a place in the other side of the country – actually it was my hometown in the old days. My sister asked me, “How can I set a message after I finished using the computer?“ This is a useful tip that many users doesn’t know. Most of us are sharing the computer to our family members. Now you can create a custom display message for them before using your computer. Companies often use this to show warnings. Works in any Windows Installation! Ok, I know your a geek read here : If you don’t want to mess things up in your computer. WinBubbles-Lite 2009 is here to save your day! 1. Download the program and extract the file. 2. Input the Title in the Caption part, your message and Click the Apply Button or simply press Alt-A . 3. Click the View button to test. That’s it! Simple, safe and useful… Especially for me, I always forget small things because I’m doing a lot of things. Anyway, Enjoy!

TweakUI For Windows 7 : The Ultimate Tweaker?

WinBubbles already received a lot of recognition in Windows Vista. And for that, Thank you to all the websites and authors that helped me to share the tool. WinBubble for Windows 7 will not participate in any competition regarding who’s the Ultimate Windows Customization and Tweaker for Windows 7. I will let the users decide and the great authors around the world. I don’t believed that competition will give innovation. Inspiration , dedication , good and bad experiences will push the creation of a great product . The truth is, at first I designed these tools because of the problems I had, some annoying User experiences, interesting concepts and dreaming to create a great software for everybody . Not for Competition. Well, If I can only have three sets of brains so that I will create products also in Mac, Linux and Windows at the same time. That would be great :D The problem is, I have less experience with Linux and totally no experience with the expen...

Solution for Windows 7 Download Problem: 32-bit and 64-bit

Before I released WinBubbles Lite 2009 and RegDevelop to the public, I already received many emails regarding my tools. Some of them sent screenshots opening my tools in 64-bit version of Windows. Now, I decided to download and install Windows 7 64-bit Release Candidate version to test and make it compatible with 64-bit version of Windows. However, again, the Download manager doesn’t works! It took me several minutes and I already received 11 keys. Then the download manager opens… After more than two hours of download, the file is corrupted. Thinking that I can use the web browser method to download the iso file, I realized that I can get the direct download link to the download manager itself.   How? Just see the URL properties . UPDATED: RC version now is not available… Please check and download the 90-days Trial period of Windows 7 Enterprise edition: Read more here Check out: UnlockForUs Windows 7 PowerTools: WinBubbles-Lite 2009 and RegDevel...

RegDevelop Hidden Features

Every software created by famous companies has its own secrets. RegDevelop will include some hidden features that will make your User Experience better. For now, It’s few but maybe you can use them in your applications. Monitor Off Button Open CD Command Button Close CD Command Button Enjoy!!! I would like to ask all of you to share some ideas that can be added to the application. You can join my group here or email me at Thanks :)

RegDevelop Part 2 – Using Button, Label and PictureBox Controls

Previous | NEXT: CheckBox and TextBox Control Button Control – this control will let you launch other programs and use command line applications including scripts and batch files. It’s like launching another program using the “Run” Window. Launching About Windows Launching System Window Backup Button Example If the WindowStyle Property was set to Hidden , the command prompt will not be seen. Enable and Disable UAC Parameters are long? No problem. Enable UAC StartProcess Property C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f Disable UAC StartProcess Property C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f and set WindowStyle Property of both Button to Hidden More Examples: RegDevelop H...

RegDevelop Part 3 – Using CheckBox and TextBox Controls

CheckBox Control – this control lets you create a Graphical User Interface to Windows Registry. The current version supports DWORD and String values. Registry Editor and RegDevelop Checkbox Control Similarity Registry CheckBox Control CHECKED Group – This is the settings to be Read and Write if the checkbox control was tick or click to check. UNCHECKED Group – This is the settings to be Read and Write if the checkbox control was click to uncheck.   The Note will be your guide while creating an application. If the Subkey or Value name doesn’t exist originally , then we can say that it should be deleted while unchecked. However , if the checkbox control was designed to create new registry value name and it should not be deleted upon unchecked, then you have an option for that also. Just Choose DeleteWhenUnchecked Property to False . The SubKey or Value Name exists originally – In this situation we can say that it sh...

Simple Portable Drive Scanner

Even if Anti-Virus Companies already optimized and tweak their Software, Still it consumes more resources than any software installed in your PC. Why? It’s running all the time . When you add them all… That is Huge! If you have a 4-8 years old PC and rarely connected to the Internet. Just Uninstall All your Anti-Virus Software and create an application that will scan a Drive If needed. This is also useful for Maintenance Purposes… DISCLAIMER NOTICE: By reading this Article and using RegDevelop Software , All Programs from other manufacturer that will be added must follow the guidelines and terms of each Software Manufacturer. If you do not Agree, do not read and use the article below. 1. Download, Extract and Open RegDevelop > Drag the Button Control Change the Button Text to any name that you want. 2. In this example we will use the good old McAfee Command Line Tool . Open and Download the latest SuperDAT : ftp...

How to Customize or Change the Welcome Screen Background in Windows 7

  At last! Microsoft allowed and added the feature that lets you change the Logon Background in Windows 7 easily…. Using the Registry or Group Policy Editor, You can now activate function. Third-Party Software: WinBubbles Lite 2009 includes a small version that will customize your Welcome screen easily in Windows 7. Just Click the PictureBox to Change, Click to Checked the “Activate First” option and press Alt-A . That’s it! It was created using RegDevelop, like the screenshot above. Geek Way: Activation via Group Policy Editor Setting: We will notice that it uses UseOEMBackground Value Name Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System Just Add and Set the Value Name to 1 (DWORD) If your Windows Directory is C:\Windows, Add/Put a jpeg file here: C:\Windows\System32\oobe\info\backgrounds\backgroundDefault.jpg The  image must be less than 256kb. Just resize your jpeg files using ms pa...