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[Vista] Easily Change Drive Icons for Free Download

You can now change any disk drive icons and flash drives easily without searching and downloading from the Internet. Using the latest version of WinBubbles, Changing Hard disk and thumb drive icons to High-Resolution just got easy, Not just for the Geek's But For ALL!


This is the Ultimate update that enables you to browse directly the system icons of Windows Vista in which some of them are in High Resolution.

Open WinBubble and go to Icon Tab. Choose Which Drive you want to set and the new Icon Explorer will give some suggestions. It will help you browse and explore more icons from Imageres.dll, Shell32.dll, Synccenter.dll, Themecpl.dll, Accessibilitycpl.dll, Powercpl.dll and Zipfldr.dll


In Icon Explorer, Click "Browse for ico, dll, exe" Button, If you want to use the downloaded icons from the Internet or directly from an exe file.

I can say it's fun and hopefully all of you will like it.

Download Now and Enjoy using WinBubbles!

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1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice application! you rock


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