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[Vista/XP] Easily Remove/Clean-up Internet Explorer Context Menu Entry

Simplicity and Knowledge: Got problems in removing Right-Click Menu items in IE 7 or 8? No problem, You can do it manually or just use the latest version of WinBubble. How?

remove ie context menu


Go to the Miscellaneous Tab > Click IE Button > Select the Item to be remove > Click the DELETE Button. Easy Right?

Note: If there's a need for backup, click the BACKUP Button first.




Click the Start Menu > Start Search > Type "regedit" > Open the Registry Editor and Go to the Path Below:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt

Just delete the Registry key or folder that is equal to the Right-Click Menu Item Name/entry.

Enjoy Learning Windows Registry Tips and Tricks!

Read More: Customizing (Add and Edit) Context Menu just got Easy!

Removing Right-Click Menu Items, Customizing and Changing File Type Icons (File Extension) in Windows Vista

Add "Hide/Show Computer" in Network Icon Context Menu


Anonymous said...

nice info! please post more

Anonymous said...

i guess using winbubble to maintain my context menu is better. very useful tool.


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