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(Windows 11) Configuring Proxy Server Settings at the User Side

If your internet LAN uses Local IP rather than Public IP, sharing internet can only applicable using Proxy Software at the Server. At the Client Side (Computers inside the network), we need to setup the Proxy IP and Port. Modern 1. control /name Microsoft.system 2. Network and Internet >> Proxy Another Way 1. inetcpl.cpl ,4 2. LAN Settings >> Proxy Setup That's it!

(Windows 11) What you need to Set Up a Home and Business Network of Computers

There are several kinds of hardware used in Computer Networks, lets lists and read definitions, and different technologies along the way. Network Interface Cards or NICs connect computers to a network so that they can communicate. NIC can be connected to the USB or Ethernet port on your computer or installed inside your computer in an available Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) expansion slot. Network hubs and switches . Hubs and switches connect two or more computers to an Ethernet network. Its the central device that connects all the devices together. A switch costs a little more than a hub, but it's faster. Routers and access points . Routers connect computers and networks to each other (for example, a router can connect your home network to the Internet). Routers also enable you to share a single Internet connection among several computers. Routers can be wired or wireless. You don't need to use a router for a wired network but we recommend it if you want to...

(Windows 11) Choosing Which Programs Windows uses by Default

How to set which program I used for browsing, opening Word Document and AutoCad Files? For File Types *.html, *.doc and even *.txt, changing them if error occur helps. Using Run Window control /name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms 1. Default Programs: Making a program the default for all file types 2. Associate a File type with a Program 3. Change AutoPlay Settings That's it!

Voltmeter and Analog Voltage at New Terms

Digital Signal couples up to create Analog World. What do you call that science of data gathering deep inside? Updated and New Terms Voltmeter - A device that displays the voltage across the test points. To work properly, connect the voltmeter in parallel with the load, attaching the probes to connectors on either side of the load you want to measure. The voltmeter can measure DC or AC voltage. DC mode measures the average value of the voltage. When set to AC, the voltmeter displays the root-mean-square (RMS) value of the signal. Mostly, the voltmeter has a very high resistance of 1 Megaohms. Analog - At new terms, it is a digital pulse bonded together to form a really strong signal sinusoidally united. At I/O, reading and inputting continously in order for computers to analyze these data - Digital to Computer Processing to Analog output. Many samples of one bit of information that corresponds to 1 or 0 rallies together, bonded and united to create what you called Analo...

(Windows 11) How to refresh Windows Explorer after Registry Patches

After Registry settings and merging, Windows doesn't seem to recognize and it doesn't works. What to do Using your keyboard, press CTRL + Shift + Esc for the Task Manager At the Task Manager, Right-Click Windows Explorer and choose Restart. That's it!

BI and BO as core technology of all gadgets

Believe it or not, How about your "hand and sensors"? What its equivalent on products? Binary Input (BI) - Its the sensor or smell of computers for processing e.g. measurement of voltages, level alarms and computer logging functions. Activated by Input Ground Technology to the computer means ON and the program language like QB, Visual Basic 6.0 and .Net (C# and Visual Basic) can be used to process the signal. INP(889) lets you understand input devices if the address is 889 Binary Output (BO) - Sending of Power signals in binary forms from the computers to the device. From actual, +5v (logic 1) and GND (logic 0) can be seen to the Pins and controlled using a software or a programmer like Visual Studio. Applications: Switches, Relays and Lamps That's it!

(Windows 11) Adding Context Menu for Customization and Automation

This is the steps to create Right-Click Menu Customization on Windows 11. We'll found it after "Show more options" was clicked. How? Go to Regedit.exe Adding Right-Click Menu for Drives Icon 1. explore HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\ folder 2. Create the following Registry Key Folder Path: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\Disk Management\command 3. At (Default), input: cmd /c diskmgmt.msc Adding Right-Click Menu to All Files 1. explore HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\* 2. Create the following Registry Key Path: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Launch with Notepad\command 3. At (Default), input: notepad.exe %1 Creating Icon on Menus 1. explore HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Launch with Notepad 2. Create >> New >> String Value >> Icon = "notepad.exe, 0" That's it!

Technology and Science: Computer BIOS and Nervous System

Good Day Netopology readers, today lets read about co-related topic called BIOS and your bodys command center... BIOS The basic input/output system configures your motherboard at startup and boots your PC. It is stored on a flash memory chip and keeps its settings in the CMOS. It is a program built into personal computers that starts the operating system when you turn on your computer. It is also referred to as system firmware. BIOS is part of your computer's hardware and is separate from Windows. How do I access my computer's BIOS? Procedures vary depending on the BIOS manufacturer. Usually, you must press a key (such as F2, F12, Delete, or Esc) or a key combination immediately after you turn on your computer before Windows starts. For more information, check the information that came with your computer or go to the computer manufacturer's website. Nervous System It is the body system that processes information and controls the activities of the body. The ce...

What is Orbit and Relay Device used in Electronics?

Netopology Readers, Welcome again... Today lets read about Orbit and switching using Relay. Its not related? It can be one group. Orbit n. The path of an object in space as it moves around another object due to gravity; for example, the Moon moves in an orbit around Earth. v. To revolve around, or move in a circular path around an object; for example, the Moon orbits Earth. Relay - a mechanical switch that is activated upon voltage input (3V to 33V). From, it is a mechanical switching devices that is actuated when sufficient current flows through the field coil, thereby causing the field-winding core to become magnetized. This action moves the pole arm to make and/or break contact with a circuit. Source That's it!

Going to Algorithm and Light Emitting Diode (LED) For Todays Technical Term

Everyday is computing, lets start debugging "what kind of process" and LEDs. Algorithm - It is the process being done for arriving at a solution to a problem. In networking, algorithms are commonly used to determine the best route. Read more Light Emitting Diode — A semiconductor diode that converts applied voltage to light and is used in lamps and digital displays. Read more Got it!

Read the Term Network Topology and Electronic Switch for Today

As we walk into golden terms, we'll not forget these two terms that means "design" and switching". Two Terms: Network Topology - It is the arrangement of nodes or computers within an enterprise structure. A Network is said to be the collection of computers, printers, routers, switches and other devices that are able to communicate with each other over some transmission medium. A Topology is the grouping or classifying of several types of Network. Read more Electronic Switch - an electrical rather than mechanical switching circuit. Generally, such switches consists of diodes, transistors, relay and ICs. Read more

Understanding Chroma to Saturation Region of Transistors

Until now due to different books around, people seems to misunderstood Transistors. Anyway, Its just a switch... Two terms: Chroma and Saturation Chroma - the purity or intensity of a color. Read more Saturation Region - The part of the collector mode configuration curve that starts at the origin and slopes upward like a switch until it reaches the horizontal or powered region. Read more Come'on People... Even if Im going to demostrate to you - its working properly. Problem is, its still very expensive to us understand them NATURALLY. Come'on... Got it!

(Windows 11) Use Disk Management for Creating New Partition and Formatting

When you Buy hardisk, its probable that you don't have any partition and formatting yet. Heres what to do. Steps Open the Run Window (Win+R) type diskmgmt.msc From the Harddisk, Right-Click and Choose New Partition (New Simple Volume) Proceed with the steps including Format of the Disk From Help Files - Disk Management is a system utility for managing hard disks and the volumes or partitions. With Disk Management, you can initialize disks, create volumes, and format volumes with the FAT, FAT32, or NTFS file systems. Disk Management enables you to perform most disk-related tasks without restarting the system or interrupting users. Most configuration changes take effect immediately. That's it!

(Windows 11) How to install .Net Framework 6 Natively

In everyday computing, we always want to make sure that our programs will run correctly like VB6 days... For now, lets install .Net Framework 6.0 accurately or automately. Steps 1. Go to Visual Studio 2022 Downloads >> Download and Install >> Community Edition 2. Proceed with Visual Studio 3. After that, All programs written to .Net 6 will run in that platform. Another: Easy way Find a Compiled program written in Visual Studio 2022 then open that in Windows 11, a message will let you install the latest dot Net Framework and that's it!

Getting the Absolute Temperature and Measurement in your head

Netopology readers... Welcome, This is the first time that we will talk about Technical Terms EVERYDAY! Now, Lets start studying some old - important and new terms. Absolute Measurement Here's what they say: We should be absolute in every measurement that we need. - It is the accuracy of measurement and calibration of to a certain readable value. Read more Absolute Temperature - we use K as its variable and its equal to adding 273 for a centigrade (Degrees Celcius = K + 273), and for the Fahrenheit scale 459, almost twice (2x). Read more Got it!

(Windows 11) How to Determine the what Dot Net Framework versions installed?

.Net Framework is a new way of developing applications that runs on Windows. Its versioning will depend on current build of OS. Windows 11 uses version 4.8 as its default. How to determine the versions installed? At Regedit.exe, go to the path below: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\1033 Version e.g. "4.8.04161" You can use this App also, to verify your Windows .Net Framework: Download HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\1033 Release REG_DWORD .NET Framework version - Minimum value .NET Framework 4.5 - 378389 .NET Framework 4.5.1 - 378675 .NET Framework 4.5.2 - 379893 .NET Framework 4.6 - 393295 .NET Framework 4.6.1 - 394254 .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 394802 .NET Framework 4.7 - 460798 .NET Framework 4.7.1 - 461308 .NET Framework 4.7.2 - 461808 .NET Framework 4.8 - 528040 Source: Microsoft

(Windows 11) Visual Studio 2022 now available for download and free to try!

Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) created for .Net Platform. Version 6.0 is the default platform being catered by the programming software. To Download the Software Proceed with Visual Studio Version 17.0 It is the best and comprehensive IDE for dot Net and C++ developers on Windows. Fully packed with features and tools to enhance every stages of software development.

(Windows 11) How to find why you don't have Internet Connection

Your working and suddenly, you can't access to the internet properly. Heres the steps to troubleshoot your connection. Steps 1. Check the Network Icon located at the bottom part - right side, if it says "internet access 2. At cmd.exe, ipconfig command says you have valid ID 3. using netstat -ao command, check for many established connection 4. ping (or your routers IP address), for inside network lines 5. ping -t command, for checking the lines going to outside. That's it!

(Windows 11) How to Access the Control Panel in many ways

Control Panel is a way to gather all those administrator tools at Windows and lets you access them in one place. How things done before ad why it is still needed. At the Desktop Right-Click >> Personalize >> Themes >> Desktop Icon Settings Adding Control Panel Icon is ok. At Run Window, control.exe Control Panel is the list of administrators software to maintain, secure and personalize Windows. Its programs are settings in important functions e.g. volume, record, installer and many more...

(Windows 11) Accessing Folder Options of Windows Explorer

Showing Hidden Files, File Types and many more are one of the features of the program called Folder option. Its included in Windows Explorer to tweak and set some hidden features of Windows Explorer (explorer.exe). Using the hidden option window at Windows Explorer At Run Window control /name Microsoft.FolderOptions Thats it!

Windows 11 PC Hardware requirements

According to Microsoft, to install or upgrade to Windows 11, devices must meet the following minimum hardware requirements: Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with two or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor or system on a chip (SoC). RAM: 4 gigabytes (GB) or greater. Storage: 64 GB* or greater available storage is required to install Windows 11. Additional storage space might be required to download updates and enable specific features. Graphics card: Compatible with DirectX 12 or later, with a WDDM 2.0 driver. System firmware: UEFI, Secure Boot capable. Display: High definition (720p) display, 9" or greater monitor, 8 bits per color channel. Internet connection: Internet connectivity is necessary to perform updates, and to download and use some features. Windows 11 was released this year July 2021 and there are many new features like new desktop shell, Pictures on Welcome Screen, New Windows Explorer and many more... Its a new way to upgrade us on Standard ...

(Windows 11) Edge Browser Configuration Settings at the Url

Microsoft Edge Browser is the newest browser in the Net that is included by default in Windows 11 OS. To configure settings, and more At the Url, edge://settings/system The Microsoft Edge browser is included with the OS, and is the default browser (edge://settings/defaultBrowser). Internet Explorer is only available up to ie11 version, we don't know if Microsoft will release ie12 and above in the future.

How to activate installation of Windows 11 .Net 3.5

Easy way is to get online, means you are connected to the internet. What to do Get online, and open any .Net program like below: Download Now Proceed with the steps and make sure .Net 3.5 was installed correctly. dotNET is a developer platform with tools and libraries for building any type of software, including web, mobile and desktop,

Scour.Me - Finds Videos, Files and Friends

What if a hardisk, full of files was put into the world wide web and a search engine was used into it. Great! Thats a great idea for people like me investing at the internet. Now, 70% finish...heres the list of applications of Scour: -Videos -Hardisk Files - Chat with friends Visit Now Definition: Social networking is the use of web-based sites to stay social with friends and family.

(Windows 11) System Information Command to view and display OS, Hardware and Network Configuration Information

New Hardware means, newer or new OS - heres a quick and simple way to display and view system information, Hardware and Network Information. Type C:\Users\[username]>systeminfo Another at run Window type: dxdiag Getting information about your PC before uses another software alternative to systeminfo32.exe, now a new way using your command interpreter lets you dig System and Hardware Specifications inlcuding BIOS and Network Information.

Adding Icons to desktop at Windows 11

After installation of Windows 11, its great and you want a good old mood of adding Computer Icon to the Desktop including Network and Control Panel. Heres how... Steps Right-Click and goto Personalization >> Themes At the Bottom, Desktop Icon Settings Adding Icons to Desktop Adding them uses backend technology of Microsoft at the Registry. Each has a CLS-ID or identification in which you uses them while putting icons to Desktop. OK! Have Fun Learning!

Using Run Window to Launch Desktop Icon Settings

Your finding the hidden secret via registry, anyway, heres the quick tip. At Run Window type: %SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL %SystemRoot%\system32\desk.cpl desk,@Appearance /Action:OpenMSTheme /file:"%1" RunDLL32.exe is a way to launch control panel options and programs via command line. The trick is very nice and if your a programmer, its very useful. Good Luck!

User Accounts missing, How to access Manage Accounts Window?

Executing control panel windows can be easily done using run window and running canonical names with control.exe file. At Run Window control.exe /name Microsoft.UserAccounts Control Panel items included with Windows are given a canonical name that can be used in an API call or a command-line instruction to programmatically launch that item.

How to Add User Account at Windows 11 using command prompt

Your using the latest version of Windows and trying to find a way to add new user accounts at the welcome screen. How to add them using command prompt is difficult. Steps 1. Open the command prompt as "administrator". 2. type net(space)user(space)[username](space)[password](space)/add 3. Thats it! Command Successfully! Command Prompt is a command line interpreter software available in Windows Operating Systems use to execute commands using syntax patterns. Above is a sample command that you can manually input or automate tasks by using scripts or scripting tools.

Scour Videos - Watch and Listen Music and Videos for Free

Ever wanted to see and watch Guitar Music and Other kind of Videos for FREE? We'll be launching Scour Videos to compensate popularity of Audio and Video Clips today. We'll be using MP4 as the default format of videos - because of its compression and popularity. According to Microsoft, The term encoding applies to the process of conversion of files in digital video and/or audio from one standard format to another, for what? its purpose is to reduce the file sizeand producing a format that can be use to broad range of devices and apps. This process is called video compression, or transcoding. Visit Scour Videos Now

Free Windows Upgrade: Forever OS

Custom upgrade for your Windows Desktop for simple security features and load stability. - Putting Password to every application with UAC is very easy using secure mode - Songs from Internet Archive MP3s are free to listen. - Access administrative and advanced tools easily using right-click menus. - Security is not a question because of No Host Code logic, all are static and no moving frames. - GO BACK to Windows Easily. Note: Tested on Windows 7 only, Disclaimer: try Windows 10 with no sunctions. Download Now

True Short Circuit Protection for Cars and Motorcycles

With the latest innovation by CodeBase Zero, we introduced Short-Circuit Protection for devices at Cars and Motorcycles. NO MORE BURNING due to short circuit. This device will AUTO-OFF upon short-circuit. BUY NOW

CodeBase IO Zero explains Electronics and Mechanics Theory

Want to understand Electronics and Electrical theory inside and out? Mr. Lawrence created the derivation of formulas deep inside the circuits without memorizing! Heres the images: Ohms Law and Kirchoff Voltage Law Derivation Voltage Divider Click here to read more about the topic

(Free) Lawrence Veristic is a file finder or scanner for executable scripts

Veristic is a program that finds excutable scripts from your Computer and USB flash drives. It lets you check the hardisk and removable drives for possible worm or virus infection. The file finder also disable autoplay of files in flash drives or subsequently viruses from automatically launching itself. To Download and See Screenshots: Click Here Enjoy!

CodeBase IO Applications on Products Design Interface

CodeBase IO lets you design products easily and can be understand by anyone. It is the analogy to understand binary terms. Heres some applications and what kind of interface to create the product: Click here - Battery Start Stop Charging using Computer monitoring and control - Monitoring group of Solar Panel using DC OK Logic - Battery Level Monitoring Hardware is any part of a computer system network that you can see or touch. A peripheral is any piece of hardware attached to the computer.

Remote I/O for CodeBase IO uses Modern IT Infrustracture

What is modern Computer Network Infrustracture? Its a group of computers or other devices that communicate either wirelessly or by using physical connection such as an ethernet cable or modern dsl lines locally or Remotely. Remote IO or Connections See Here A combination of technologies might work best for your environment for Remote Devices. For example, many people use a city wide wireless router, which accommodates both all computers - wired Ethernet connections for desktop computers and wireless connections for laptops.

Lawrence Explorer released for Download

Lawrence Explorer displays everything and doesn't automatically executes files when browsing. From the article , Shell Cities is a top collection of Bins Desktop like Windows Bin Desktop (Win98, Win7 and Win 10 Desktop) for example. Basically they have the same technology as Microsoft :) No dying. Anyway, One of the famous tools is Windows Explorer or "explorer.exe", program is stable and doesn't hangs. Download Now HERE Its about no host logic and displays only - no execution of files while browsing.

Secret on Adding your Sitemap to your Bloggers Website at Google Search Console

Search Console tools and reports is a webmaster tools that help you measure your site's Search traffic and performance, read issues, and makes sure your site shine in Google Search results. Heres how to add the entire website sitemap to Google Search Console... Optimize your content with Google Search Analytics See which search keywords bring users to your website. Analyze your website performance through impressions, and position on Google Search. Hope this helps!

AC Line OK Sensor Technology using CodeBase IO Configuration

Work Efficiency is the ratio of the work done by a machine over the total work written and specified in the papers often result with a minimum effort and skill needed. Real Time - How will you sense if AC Lines is Supplied or not using CodeBase IO? See the Power Monitoring System at CodeBase IO: Click Here Computers work through the interaction of hardware and software (Input and Output). Hardware refers to the machine part of a computer that you can see and touch, and running, including the case and everything inside it.

Metro Rail City Wide Monitoring using CodeBase IO Design

With the continuous development of our cities and society in the recent years, Trains around the city has been getting great development and application. As key components of rail traffic, the reliability of metro system makes great influences on people's safety. Website: Uses the latest IT infrastructure and Socket Technology like Internet, Local and Wide Area Networks to monitor running and arrival of trains. Each station has laser sensors to monitor trains arriving then after that signals will be thrown to the main server for monitoring purposes and logging.

Free Electronic Circuit Diagrams with CodeBase IO Interface for Computer Processing and Monitoring

Electronics changed the way we get through life. Listening to music and watching shows through computers is one of the greatest accomplishment of this era of Electronics. It gives us oppurtunity to get social, buy goods, read books, search for information and even what you call "everything". Is Analog Digital? According to CodeBase Electronics , Analog means many Digital. A Digital is a binary signals of bit and bytes of information (1 or 0) that corresponds to a word like the table data below: Binary Information 01010101 A 00001111 B 11110000 C Free Electronic Circuit Diagrams Heres the link:

Battery Start Stop Charging using CodeBase IO Implementation

When the Charger Starts and continues until a definite Voltage stops it, Full Charge Detection occurs. That's it! Thats what the processes the computer makes like when the input level voltages occur and the computer throw a final full charge cut in action. See more here:

Launching CodeBase-IO Website for Hardware Tips and Tricks

I/O devices are hardware or things around that has Displays and input functions like keyboard. I/O corresponds to Input and Output functions of computers. CodeBase IO lets you make and invent projects easily and can be understand by anyone. It has the characteristic function of a binary systems. The Website was launched to move the website to another world of computing and devices. Some of them are Giant Clocks, Traffic Lights and Elevators. Installing New Hardware You can install most hardware or mobile devices just by plugging them into your computer. Windows will automatically install the appropriate driver if it's available. If it's not, Windows will prompt you to insert a software disc that may have come with your hardware device. Enjoy!

Use Electronic Mains to turn your Power ON and Off

Having difficulty in using those dirty old fuse boxes? Upgrade them and get Electronic Mains! Core Technology: One touch shimasu and Reset function using relays and transistors. FEATURES: - when you push the button on the device, it activates the Power or AC Voltage and Reset to OFF. - worth $1,500 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Power Monitoring System with Human Machine Interface (HMI)

Monitoring using HMI PC-based design connects to different AC and DC sensors to improve efficiency. This Custom made Human Machine Interface (HMI) using VB.NET enables us to view whats happening around the area. Core Technology: A trigger Sensor send binary signals to computers to see the following if ON or OFF: - SOLAR pOWER (DC AND AC) - GENERATOR POWER (AC) - BATTERY OR UPS POWER (DC AND AC) - LINE POWER (AC) FEATURES: - The device sensor triggers if the line is ON or OFF. - simple circuit and converts them to binary forms. - worth $50,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Ten Level Water Monitoring using Windows 7 Computers

Using the latest IT technology and infrustructure, Boilers and Water Levels now can be detected using computers. Core Technology: A Water trigger Sensor to send binary signals to computers FEATURES: - The device sensor triggers if there is water or no water - simple circuit and converts them to binary forms - worth $20,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Full-Empty-Normal-Below Technology with Computer Monitoring

Water Tanks now can be monitored using computers. Full Tank, Empty or no water and Below levels can be accomplish using the latest IT technology. Core Technology: A Trigger Sensor to send binary signals to computers FEATURES: - The device activates the sensor if there is water or no water - simple and binary forms - worth $5,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Centralized Auto ON OFF of Lights using Solar Panel Sensors

Using a Switcher technology, the device senses light condition using solar panel. The bigger the solar panel, the more sensitive and accurate turning on and off of the lights. Core Technology: Trigger Sensor not voltage driven technology. Why? Trigger can have smaller solar panels. FEATURES: - The device usually activates the lights before 6pm - comes with many solar sensors - worth $1,500 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Cost of Real-Time Flood and Water Level Monitoring Systems

While some areas around the country are more prone to flooding than others, the establishment of flood monitoring systems near any major waterway or body of water provides real-time information that can protect property and save lives. The Benefits of Flood Warning Reduced loss of life through the evacuation and mobilization of emergency works crews and the deployment of mitigation works to reduce flood damages EARLY. REAL-TIME MONITORING OF RIVERS EVERYDAY FEATURES: - The Server Monitoring is in Windows 7 and Handmade OS - comes with a device drivers to understand levels of water to binary forms - worth $3,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

No Power Alarm Logs and Monitoring using Windows 7 and Handmade OS

Extended power outages may have a big impact to the whole world community and the economy. A power outage is when the electricity power goes out unexpectedly. A power outage may: - Disrupt communications and transportation. - Drinking water outages and contamination. - Close businesses and other services. - Cause food spoilage. - Prevent use of medical devices. MONITORING EVERYDAY IS A GOOD WAY AND BETTER. ABSORBED AND PREVENT DISASTERS COMPUTER MONITORING AND LOGGING FEATURES: - The Server Monitoring is in Windows 7 and Handmade OS - worth $3,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Home Control Lighting and Outlet using Windows 10 Tablet Helps you Save Money

Timed. Automatically turn off and turn on the lights and aircon when its needed. Try this web-based client: Any standby device can be turned off automatically to reduce power consumption. Its easy to setup and doesn't need any expertise. FEATURES: - Handmade OS - Server Controller using Microsoft Windows - Touch Screen Windows 10 Tablet - worth at least $5,000 and shipping is included. - 3 electric lines and 1 mains - Offline wireless, no internet connection. - NO CREDIT CARD NEEDED. ORDER NOW

Reducing Electric Cost by Controlled Lighting at Home Automation

Want to reduce your electricity cost? Use any computer technology device like Cellphones, Tablet and PC for controlling lights and mains! Again, this coding technique is Option Explicit or done by Strict writing and the softwares was written in the Visual Basic dot Net. Like Cellphones, the device lets you turn ON and OFF your lights and mains using a Tough Screen Tablet Device in Windows 10. Try the link at your computer, cellphone and Tablet: FEATURES: - Handmade OS - The Server Controller is in Windows 7 - Touch Screen Windows 10 Tablet (Client to Control 3 Lights and 1 Mains) - worth only $5,000 for Smart Home Devices and shipping is included. - Offline only, no internet connection is needed. ORDER NOW

Control your lights and mains using Windows Tablet!

Home Control and Automation lets you control lights and mains using Windows Tablet! See this, Option Explicit is the priority (Strict writing) and the softwares was written in the famous language in .Net Framework called Visual Basic. The device lets you turn ON and OFF your lights and mains using a Tough Screen Tablet Device in Windows 10. FEATURES: - The Server Controller is in Windows 7 - Touch Screen Windows Tablet (Client Computer to Control 3 Lights and 1 Mains) - Its worth $5,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Legally Get Windows 7 ISO File from Microsoft

The Operating Software (OS) is the software that manages your computer and all the devices connected. Windows 7 is a well known operating system that stores files, allows you to use software programs and coordinates the use of computer hardware such as the keyboard and mouse. Direct Link to Download Microsoft Windows 7 ISO File: Windows 7 Professional ISO (x64) Windows 7 Professional ISO (x32)  These are Windows 7 Offline installation files that can be use to upgrade, update and install Windows 7 OS to your PC or Laptop. CLICK HERE FOR FREE DESKTOP UPGRADE