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Showing posts from 2008

Use Automatic Completion of Directory or Path for Command Prompt in Windows Vista

An old registry tip from Microsoft Technet articles that is very useful in everyday Geek computing. If you open CMD and go to a directory, e.g. cd\windows, instead of typing the complete word "windows" type "win" + TAB . It will automatically search for the word and display the first value. Registry Settings HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor Lets make some research: By default HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive > CompletionChar value is 64 in decimal and 40 in hexadecimal While in HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive settings: CompletionChar value in Hexadecimal and Decimal is 9 So, Which is being followed by the current Logon User? CompletionChar = 9 by HKEY_CURRENT_USER In which according to Microsoft Technet Articles , The Source of Registry Tips, hacks and Tricks in the Entire World! The value 9 is the TAB key . T...

Internet Connection Sharing to Several Computers using Windows

This is your Ultimate Guide, easiest and complete How-To Article in Sharing Internet Connection using Windows 2000, XP and Vista. WIRED NETWORKING BASICS More than Five years ago, during the summer of 2003 I applied for On-the-Job Training for 1.5 months in a Communications Company. Luckily, they let me study and experienced what's life as a Data Communication Engineer. That time, I really wanted to explore Communications Engineering and learn more about Microwave, Satellite, ISDN and Fiber Optics. Although I already know How to create a Network in Windows and some background on Microwave designs but there are many questions in my mind. How DSL Works in the real world? What are the devices needed? How can you connect to other computers in Public IP settings like in P2P? What is DSLAM? I have so many questions... Most of the small Internet Cafe that time doesn't use a router to connect to the Internet because it is still expensive (but getting cheaper day by day)...

Changing the Default Search For Executables Path in Command Prompt

I know this is an old tip for DOS Geeks. For new ones, Did you ever wonder why when you type "notepad" in any directory in Command prompt or cmd, Notepad Application will launch immediately?   That's because of the default settings in executables path automatic search. To display type Path in command prompt and you'll see the default: PATH=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem These are the default Folders in which when you type any command and Enter key it will search in those directories first. Example: Wordpad You cannot launch the application directly to command prompt. To Add new or Append new locations: path=%path%; NEW Directory For multiple Directory or Folders path=%path%; NEW Folder 1; Folder 2; Folder 3 and so on... Type this command: PATH=%path%;C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\ To che...

Creating a Windows XP Unattended Installer

This is an old guide but still very useful and deserve a descent update. I'm shock that many people still doesn't know about this small utility that can be found in their Windows XP Installer. " Lawrence, It's almost two months now since you release the latest update of your software winbubble, do you have new releases coming soon? anyway, I have a question. How do I automate the installation of Windows XP? - Jared " WinBubble is still in development and I'm still Shaping my skills. Surely, Everybody will benefit from my studies and Please stay tuned always. Thanks in advance. Ok, Let's go back from the main topic. Open your Windows XP Installer and explore the following path: [Disc] SUPPORT\TOOLS Note: I recommend to download the latest one for Windows XP Service Pack 3, Download here According to Microsoft the latest supports: Windows XP; Windows XP Service Pack 1; Windows XP Service Pack 2; Windows XP Service Pack 3 1. Copy the f...

How to Remove Entering of Serial Key in Windows XP Setup

When you manually install Windows XP to several computers with different specifications. Instead of inputting the License Key in every computer, Make it Automatic Insert like OEM Installation Disc! Tested in Windows XP Service Pack 2 and 3 [UserData] ProductKey= XXXXX - XXXXX - XXXXX - XXXXX - XXXXX [Data] MSDosInitiated=0 UnattendedInstall=Yes Tested in Windows XP Service Pack 1 [UserData] ProductKey= " XXXXX - XXXXX - XXXXX - XXXXX - XXXXX " [Data] MSDosInitiated=0 UnattendedInstall=Yes Open your notepad, copy-paste the settings above, input your Product Key and save it as Winnt.sif to I386 Folder of your Windows XP Installation Disc by creating an ISO image and editing the file using any ISO Editor. Normal Mistake: Winnt.sif.txt , uncheck "Hide Extension for known file types" in Windows Explorer > Tools Menu > Folder Options > View Tab Sorry... I can't find any Free ISO Editor for Windows. Please tell me If you find one :) WORK...

Hidden Backdoor in Windows 7/Vista Welcome Screen

Ok, This is fun. Anyone of you watch the famous 1995 movie "The Net" by Sandra Bullock? The Famous Praetorian PI was used as a backdoor to access password-protected sites. Can we create a vista backdoor, something like that in Windows Vista or 7? Yes you Can! How? The Clue: The Ease of Access Program Where? The 624kb Utilman.exe is the key located at System Folder . Steps: Open the Folder Windows\System32\ and check the Properties of Utilman.exe Problem... My current Logon Username Lawrence and Administrators has no Permission no modify the file. Thus, If you try to rename the file, it will give you the message: Destination Folder Access is Denied You need permission to perform this action Normally, Winbubble Context Menu "Take the Ownership of this file" can add the permission but this time, you can't. ( The Next Version can do it easily ). Also, Most of the Buttons are Disabled. How to Add the permissio...

Add "Disable UAC" or "Enable UAC" to Right-click Menu / Context Menu

"Do you want to open this file, Are you sure? (Really?)" This is the simplest example and explanation of the new security model in Windows Vista called UAC. This feature is still included in Windows 7 in which even the Administrator will operate in a reduced privilege login and all you have to do is to confirm. CONS: Totally Annoying, Your system "feels" slowly and It seems unintelligent but it's not.     PROS: Security Rocks! 1. All the Rootkits and Worms even the new undetectable ones by Anti-Virus Software can be detected. 2. Modification of System Files by any software vendor (even Microsoft) will be detected. 3. IE 7 uses UAC to run in Protected mode that detects any add-on e.g. Adobe flash before installation and Spyware that wants to modify your system files. 4. Protects your Network from Hackers and Trojan viruses (If not yet compromised). 5. You can learn many things... and many more... I know many people doesn't like UAC because they ...

How to Create a Random Number Generator in Excel using VBA without Repetition

If you Google for this terms , there are lots of ways to generate a random number (compatible with Excel 2007 and below) by creating a macro written in VBA or writing your own function by using Rand() formula that may differ in many ways. Rand() function in Excel generates a value >= 0 but < 1 (Greater or equal to zero but less than 1) e.g. 0.22489385 The simplest technique is to generate numbers using rand() function and Rank them. CONS: There is a small possibility of a duplicate may appear. Some people just ignore this and treat the duplicate values as 1st, 2nd and so on. My Logic (Correct me if I'm wrong) :) 1. Generate the first Number 2. Save the number (cells, list box, combo box, or array) 3. Generate a NEW Number and CHECK if already been generated. 4. If there's a duplicate, Generate a New Number again, until there's a unique value, save it and proceed to the next until it is finished. Simple Right? :)   Generating a Value Between two Number...

Security Warning Some Active Content has been disabled

To Remove All the threat of Macro Viruses in Office Documents like  Excel and Word, Microsoft adapted the Four Levels of Macro Security. In Office 2007 we have seen .xlsm format in which all macro-enabled documents needs to be save using the new file type for additional security. How to Run / Enable Macro in Documents It's easy to Activate the Macro in a Document: Click the Option Button > In Security Alert - Macros & ActiveX Window, Select Enable this Content To customize how Macro-enabled Documents are opened: 1. Open the Trust Center Window Press ALT+F+I to open the Option Window > In the Left Pane, Select the Trust Center Button > Click the Trust Center Settings... Button or Using the Developers Tab, Click the Macro Security Icon If you can't see the Tab, Read this First 2. Customize the Settings Option 1: Disable all Macros without notification Option 2: Disable all Macros with notification Option 3...

Life with Windows

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