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Getting the Computer Specs, Performance and Speed Information in Windows 7 and Vista

computer If you want to buy a new laptop, netbook or PC. There are several simple ways to check the specifications and performance if it is running in Windows Vista or 7.


Windows Experience Index score indicates the overall capability and performance of your PC or for simple explanation it is a free benchmark tool that will guide you in buying a new computer. You can access them through Performance Information and Tools Window.

Speed and Performance Information

Simply type “Performance info” in Start Menu Search and press the Enter Key.


You can re-check the values by clicking “update my score” to prevent yourself from being trick if the wei scores was hack. You can also check in Windows 7 from my previous article – click here.

What do these numbers mean?

You can click the link to open the help documentation by Microsoft as shown in the picture above.

Monitoring the Performance in real-time


If you want to check the computers performance using the task manager. Simply Press CTRL+Shift+Esc to launch the tool and click the Performance Tab.

You can also make it like a widget… Read here

Checking the specifications of the computer in one location

The new version of WinGuggle aims to provide the most useful and powerful System Information in one location in just few clicks! The new tool gathers key information such Basic System Summary, Audio, Video Card information, drives and many more!

Using Windows Built-in Tools

There are several ways to check the hardware specifications in Windows. One of them is by launching the Old tool called DirectX Diagnostic Tool.

Simply Press Win+R > type “dxdiag” without quotes and you can check and see the overall System Summary Information, Display (or Video Card Information – really useful!), Sound and Input devices.


or you can also launch a more detailed view of System Information using msinfo32.exe tool.

Enjoy! :)


Unlock For Us

Standard Battery Benchmark will accelerate Innovation

AMD is proposing a simple and realistic benchmark using only two parameters: Active Time and Resting Time. For simple explanation – Best Case and Worse Case.

If all the manufacturers will agree to this idea, I think it will accelerate the research and development because it will put some pressure to big companies to invest on extending the life of batteries in the future.

It will start a good competition that will benefit the users and the world.

Thanks Mr. David Pogue of Nytimes.com for the video.

Read more:

Innovation Wave – Users will become more Happy Soon


Unlock For Us

How to Remove Invalid “Open With” Menu Program Entry


In Windows 7 and Vista, there is no option or easy way to clean-up any incorrect Open with Menu items.

Today, I’ll give several ways to remove any wrong program from the list.

Open the powerful Registry Editor by typing “regedit” in Start Menu Search









Go to the following Subkey:


Instance 1:

Next, find the corresponding extension. e.g. .txt


Click OpenWithList

MRUList data value ab means a and b will be included in the list (notepad and google chrome). If you want to remove Google Chrome. Just change the Value data of MRUList to a only.

How about Visual Basic and C#?

Simply navigate to .txt in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT



simply delete the two registry entries…

That’s it!


You can also backup first using the Export option.

Note: Back-Up First Before Removing any entry

Instance 2:



Choose and Simply delete the binary value type registry entry of the program you want to remove.

Instance 3:

If instance 1 seems confusing because many program is listed but not included in the list, browse the file extension like the path below and  you’ll noticed a registry subkey that corresponds to the Program.



Again, simply delete the subkey.

Instance 4:

Some programs like mspaint.exe is very difficult to remove. Go to the path below and delete the corresponding supported file type such as .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif and .png


Difficult? Please stay tuned for the next version of WinBubbles!

If I find again new ways to delete the wrong program in Open with menu, I’m going to update this article.

Be careful and don’t forget to Backup… Enjoy! :)


Unlock For Us


This is a new registry value added in Windows 7 that will let you hide empty drives in My Computer Window.


Type “regedit” in Start Menu Search, open the Registry Editor and go to the Registry key or folder above.


You’ll see the dword type HideDrivesWithNoMedia is set by default to 1.

It corresponds to checked option in Folder Options


If unchecked, HideDrivesWithNoMedia will be set to zero.

Check out more about the hidden option in my new Windows 7 Blogsite. Click here



Unlock For Us

How to Copy & Paste Text from CMD or Command Prompt Window


This is an old tip but useful in everyday Windows Geek computing. Some of the articles in the internet uses the Title Window to copy text. My Tip will let you directly copy Text from your old DOS-like command line interpreter screen.

While googling and randomly reading articles from the web (getting to sleep). I noticed the instructions to copy Text from Cmd tool.


Right-Click the Title Window > Edit > Mark

I’ve been using a different procedure for a very long time now. Maybe since Windows 2000 and XP. I don’t remember.


Just Right-Click the screen then Choose the Mark option.

That’s it! :D


Simply select the Text that you want to copy by highlighting the text. No need to press Shift key and arrow keys.

To copy the Text: Push the Mouse Right-Click Button.

or press Ctrl+C

The text has been copied to your Clipboard… You can now paste the data to any application such as notepad, wordpad or MS Office.

Still works in Windows 7 and Vista!

Please my other Tips.



Innovation Wave – Users will become more Happy Soon

This is the list of New Products recently that I think has a fair and big chance of hitting the jackpot.

Windows 7


Windows 7 is the new operating system by Microsoft. The OS is fast, stable, user experience is amazing and few annoyances. The good thing in this OS is that it will run on low end PCs.

For more information about Windows 7, check out the article from Wikipedia and my new blog dedicated to Windows 7 tips and tricks.

Google Wave


Google Wave is the new project by Google designed to unite different messaging technology into one. It is an open-source computing platform that will merge e-mail, instant messaging and social networking.

Watch the Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009. It’s really cool… Nice!

For developers check out some Google Wave API samples.

Project Natal

It is a new way to play games: no controller is required. Personally, I think the project is possible. I have seen some small science technology projects that utilizes only the camera to analyze the movements and play games. If they added sensors for more accurate detection. It’s possible.

Watch the advertisement at Youtube.com and I’m sure you’ll be amazed.


bing Bing is the new Search Engine develop by Microsoft. They said it was designed to compete with Yahoo and Google but I don’t see any competition because some of it’s features are different.

I will use Google to search anything but certainly I’ll use the Image Seach by Bing. why? It’s a man thing. :D

Check out Bing and try some of it’s features.


I’ll add more soon…


Please checkout my new Software called RegDevelop, IDE for Geeks! It’s first of a kind.


Unlock For Us

Open the Hidden Shutdown Dialog Window in Windows 7 and Vista


You can launch or get the old Shutdown Dialog window in Windows XP by using the Classic Start Menu.

Also, you can do this in Windows Vista by changing the options.


But, I guess most of us doesn’t use any more the classic Start Menu especially in Windows Vista because of the Start Menu Search feature.

If you miss the old times and just want to see the old shut down dialog box. No problem! Without switching to classic Start Menu, you can still launch the Window.

Works in Windows 7 too!

No more classic Start Menu in Windows 7? No problem…

Simple rule: Just make sure that the Desktop is in Focus and then, Press Alt+F4. That’s it!


  • You can click the Desktop

and Press Alt+F4


You can also use the keyboard shortcut in Windows 7 and Vista: Win+D to minimize all the Window and then Press Alt-F4. That’s it!

Cool thing

The Hidden Trick in Windows XP… CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + Cancel Button to cleanly close the Explorer. Works too!

Great for installing or applying some tweaks and if you like to shutdown the explorer process in a different way.

But I guess you’ll use other ways to close the Windows Explorer.



Unlock For Us

Free Vista Password Reset Tool – How to Create a USB Recovery Disk

security Prevention is better than Cure: This is one of the useful feature of Windows Vista. There is a built-in USB password reset feature that will let you backup the user account and password information. Just incase you forget your password, lose the smart card  or when your fingers was cut by accident… :D

You can still accessed the account by resetting the password.

Open the start menu and simply click the User Account Picture


User Accounts Window will open and click the Create a password reset disk located at the left side part of the window.


Forgotten Password Wizard will open and simply click the Next Button

Change and Set the location of the disk


Enter the current password


If the account doesn’t have a password, leave the box blank (useless junk procedure… no password!)



Just like what Microsoft said, Keep it in a safe place. (secret)

Easy right? Well, Most of the Geeks will launch the User Account Window by pressing Win+R and type Control Userpasswords.

How to use the usb password recovery tool? Enter any incorrect password and Just Click the Reset Password during logon.

For me, I’ll just hack Utilman.exe and create a hidden backdoor in Windows Vista. So that, I can reset any user accounts any time without knowing the password. :D

The procedure is almost the same in Windows Seven. Only the Location of the link for the tool was changed.



Big Change: Windows 7 System Requirements

Microsoft gave us a glimpse about the minimum requirements and specifications for a computer running in Windows 7. Even if you install the OS in a 3-year-old PC, Windows 7 will work fast.

Here’s the quick list:

Processor speed
1 GHz 32-Bit or 64-bit processor or higher

Hard disk space
16 GB of available disk space

Memory (RAM)
1 GB of system memory or more

Graphics card
Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB memory (to enable the Aero theme)

One user asked me… “I want to Download Windows Seven. How Big is Windows 7 Installer setup”?

Almost 3/4 of DVD is used. You need:

Optical Drive
DVD-R/W Drive

Internet Connection for Windows Updates

They also said that there is a possibility that it may also run on a  less powerful pc but they can’t guarantee the results.

Read more at Blog.UnlockForUs.Org



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