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How to Copy & Paste Text from CMD or Command Prompt Window


This is an old tip but useful in everyday Windows Geek computing. Some of the articles in the internet uses the Title Window to copy text. My Tip will let you directly copy Text from your old DOS-like command line interpreter screen.

While googling and randomly reading articles from the web (getting to sleep). I noticed the instructions to copy Text from Cmd tool.


Right-Click the Title Window > Edit > Mark

I’ve been using a different procedure for a very long time now. Maybe since Windows 2000 and XP. I don’t remember.


Just Right-Click the screen then Choose the Mark option.

That’s it! :D


Simply select the Text that you want to copy by highlighting the text. No need to press Shift key and arrow keys.

To copy the Text: Push the Mouse Right-Click Button.

or press Ctrl+C

The text has been copied to your Clipboard… You can now paste the data to any application such as notepad, wordpad or MS Office.

Still works in Windows 7 and Vista!

Please my other Tips.


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