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How to Hide or Disable a User Account at the Welcome Screen in Windows Vista/XP (Local and Remote Users)

If you have several accounts in one computer and you want to de-activate or hide one of them at Welcome/Initial Screen in Windows Vista. Here's a complete guide for you.

disableThe Easy Way, De-activate or Disable the Account.

Net user USERNAME /Active:no

If you want to Enable it again later

Net user USERNAME /Active:yes

How about if the user account has a password? Click here for the guide.

Note: Don't forget to Run cmd.exe or command prompt as Administrator or else you will get "access is denied"

Using the Registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList

Simply create a new DWORD value that matches the username
0 - Hides the user just from the welcome screen
1 - The user is shown (Remote and Local) or simply delete the registry key

In Windows Vista, If SpecialAccounts\UserList doesn't exist. Please create it first.

This ONLY HIDES the user from the screen. In Windows XP, You can still login by pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL at once and type the Username and Password.

To Hide or Add Remote Users in VPN, Simply add the Username on the list.

More Articles:

Monitor attempts to access and change settings in Windows Vista

Secure logon for Windows XP and Vista

"Access denied", opening a folder in Windows Vista

Hide your computer in the Network

I see you...view your connections

Unlock Me! Disabling USB drives/Storage

For more Articles:

Windows Vista Tips, Tricks and Tweaks

Windows Xp, Web, Soft Review and Hacks

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

this is great! thanks.


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