Unlock For Us

Pinning All Shortcuts to Start Menu

I Unlock This First: I noticed that some shortcuts cannot be pinned to start menu such as Internet Explorer, My Computer and many more.


To solve this problem, create a shortcut and add another key to this registry path.


1. Go to the path above

2. Right-Click the ContextMenuHandlers->New->Key

3. and paste these {a2a9545d-a0c2-42b4-9708-a0b2badd77c8}

I'm happy to discover this registry hack because I cannot find this Tip to other Windows Vista tips and tweaking guides. Only here at UnlockForUs.Blogspot.com!

Note: To pin folders to start menu, find the folder you want, hold down the Shift key, and then right-click on the folder. Same procedure in pinning some items like My Computer shortcut.

To all: If you used this in your websites/blogsites or used this as an answer to a question, Please give credits to us.

"Source: UnlockForUs.Blogspot.com" or "thanks to UnlockForUs"

Thank you very much!



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