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[Vista/XP] Launch and Run Programs during Startup

windows Windows Vista Security (User Account Control, UAC) was designed to block  programs that needs elevation or Administrator's approval which makes it very difficult for malicious programs to run during the startup. Anyway, There are several ways to configure, enable and Add programs to launch after the logon or startup process.


A. Force the program to start and Bypass UAC using the Task Scheduler in Windows Vista

1. Open the Task Scheduler using that Start Search > Type "task"...

2. Click Create Task located at the right side.

3. Type the name of the program and Click "Run with highest privileges" option

4. Go to Actions Tab and click the New Button

5. Click the Browse button and locate the program to be launch during startup. To add another program, just click the New Button and repeat #5

6. Finally, Click the OK Button and Reboot your Computer. That's it!

Note: After Reboot, Windows Vista will display a warning message "Windows has blocked some startup programs". To solve this issue, Click the Blocked startup programs icon > Choose Run blocked program > click the program in the list.

B. Using the Registry

Go to the Path  below:

Current Logon User

All Users

Right-Click > New String Value > Name of the Program or Any name > Double Click and Enter the path of the program in the Value Data.

Runce Once the Program during Start-up



C. Easiest way: Using Startup Folder

Simply put the shortcut into the Startup Folder in the Start Menu

Start Menu > All Programs > Right-Click > Open or Explore > Just Drag the Shortcut on the folder

Works with Windows XP/2000. In Windows Vista, Use this only if the program doesn't require elevation.

To Launch the program in All users in Windows Vista:

Start Menu > All Programs > Right-Click > Open All Users or Explore All Users > Just Drag the Shortcut into the folder

Enjoy Learning Windows!!!

Related Articles:

How to Remove/Disable Start-up programs in Windows Vista

UnlockMe! "Windows has blocked some startup programs"

"Access denied", opening a file/folder in Windows Vista/XP



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