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Using Windows Registry to Hide and Show Change Password option at Welcome Screen

When you press CTRL+ALT+DEL key, you'll see Change Password as one of the menu options. How to hide the menu using Windows Registry?

1. Press Win + R and type "regedit"
2. Go to the registry folder:
3. Right-Click and enter the following as New DWORD Value:

DisableChangePassword = 0 (Show)
DisableChangePassword = 1 (Hide)

System configuration information is stored centrally in a database called the Windows registry. You can use Registry Editor to add and edit registry keys and values like above.



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[Upgrade] Handmade OS for DIY and Working People

Share your thoughts regarding this new Windows Desktop Upgrade called Handmade OS. It was written 100% in VB.net and Option explicit code is the priority. 

Custom upgrade for your Windows Desktop.

- New Search Menu options with Notepad Coder and Electronic Workbench Application

- Access to Wordpad and Lawrence Spreadsheet directly as an alternative to Office.

- Putting Password to every important application is very easy using secure mode

- Songs from Archive are free to listen.

- The fastest search or file finder in the world.

- Access administrative and advanced tools easily.

- Security is not a question because of No Host Code logic, no written program to smell.

- Go back to Windows Easily.


Note: Windows 7 only

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Links Computers around the Globe using World Wide Web (WWW)

Your computer can be use to connect to the Internet, a network that links computers around the world. Surfing the web is available for a data fee in most urban areas, and increasingly, in less populated areas. With Internet, you can communicate with people all over the world and read vast amount of information.

Here are some of the most popular things to do with computers:

1. The World Wide Web is a big-bytes of data and gigantic storehouse of information. The web contains millions of websites and billions of webpages. Just use search engines to dig those important data that you need.

2. Surfing the web can find information on the web about almost any topic imaginable. For example, you can read news stories and movie reviews, check airline schedules, see street maps, get the weather forecast for your city, or research a health condition. Reference sources, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias, are also widely available.

3. The Internet is also a shopper's delight. You can browse and purchase products—books, music, toys, clothing, electronics, and much more—at the websites of major retailers.

4. Watching Movies, TV Shows and Video Clips is now unimaginably easier than before.

5. Downloading Software, Books and Documents is very popular using famous freeware and ebook websites.

Source: Microsoft


Tips for safely using e-mail and the web

E-mail or electronic mail is a convenient way to communicate with others using computers. When you send an e-mail message, it arrives instantly in the recipient's e-mail inbox. You can send e-mail to many people simultaneously, and save, print, and forward e-mail to others. You don't need any postage stamp!

1. Caution: E-mail attachments such as files attached to e-mail messages are a primary source of virus infection. Never open a file attachment from someone you don't know.

2. Be careful when clicking hyperlinks in e-mail messages. Hyperlinks are links that open to websites when you click them.

3. If a website asks for a credit card number, bank information, or other personal information, make sure that you trust the website and is secure.


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[Updated] Understanding security and safe computing

If you share your computer to other people and using old versions like Windows 98 and below, you should take steps to protect your computer from harm.

Why? People can connect by breaking into your computer.

Anyway, If you use the latest version of Windows like Windows 7 and 10, using the Internet is now safe.
Protecting your computer
These are several ways to help protect your computer against potential security threats:

1. Firewall. A firewall can help protect your computer by making sure the right access port and exe file that is permitted.

FIY: Windows Firewall is built into Windows and is turned on automatically.

2. Using a Standard user account, http://unlockforus.blogspot.com/2020/12/why-use-standard-user-account-user-mode.html

3. At Windows, UAC is still recommended.

4. Password or PIN feature is recommended

5. An account manager to user password, firewall, user rights and UAC is completely alright.

A Standard User Account
There are three different types of user accounts: standard, administrator, and guest.

An administrator account provides control over a computer, using a standard account can help make your computer more secure.

That way, if other people gain access to your computer while you are logged on, they can't tamper with the computer's security settings or change other user accounts.


[All Windows] How to check your current login user

When you are logged on to Windows with a standard account, you cannot do all things that you can do with an administrator account. How to see the logon user?

Anyway, this method is still secure because you still need the PASSWORD for the account.


1. Press Win Key plus R

2. type "cmd"

3. enter the syntax "whoami" to checked your current login account.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.




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[All Windows] Command line for Connect to Internet Wizard

What is Connect to Internet Wizard? The application window will guide you through the steps of setting up an Internet connection.

How to launch using command line

1. Press Win Key plus R

2. Type: rundll32.exe xwizards.dll,RunWizard {7071ECA0-663B-4BC1-A1FA-B97F3B917C55} /z -ShowFinishPage

That's it!

Source: winhlp32.exe


Why use a standard user account (User mode) instead of an administrator account like XP?

The standard user account can help protect your PC or laptop by preventing users from making changes that can affect ALL who uses the computer.

We recommend creating a standard user account for each user.

When you are logged-in to Windows with a standard useraccount, you can do almost anything that you can do with administrator login, but if you want to do something that affects other users of the computer such as installing software, Windows might ask you to provide a password for the account.

See: http://unlockforus.blogspot.com/2020/09/how-to-add-password-to-every-important.html


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EXE File for User Account Control (UAC) at c:\windows\system32 Folder

User Account Control (UAC) notifies you always for software changes that can occur to your computer administratively. It was designed to block or permit access to softwares that require administrator-level permission.


The default UAC setting notifies you when you open programs and try to make changes to your computer.


1. Press Win Key plus R

2. type "useraccountcontrolsettings"

The following table provides a description of the UAC settings and the potential impact of each setting to the security of your computer.

1. ALWAYS NOTIFY - When Programs try to install software or make changes to my computer

2. DEFAULT - Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer

3. Notify - Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer

- No Dim

4. Never Notify - so called XP Mode. No notifications when programs try to install software or make changes to my computer.

From Microsoft:

"We recommend that you log on to your computer with a standard user account most of the time. You can browse the Internet, send e-mail, and use a word processor, all without an administrator account. When you want to perform an administrative task, such as installing a new program or changing a setting that will affect other users, you don't have to switch to an administrator account; Windows will prompt you for permission or an administrator password before performing the task. We also recommend that you create standard user accounts for all the people who use your computer."





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