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How to launch Internet Properties through command line window


Internet options lets you configure your Internet display and connection settings of Internet Explorer. Here’s how to access the configuration window through command prompt, run window and Search.

Command Prompt

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]
(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



C:\Users\hp>control inetcpl.cpl

Run Window (Win + R)




General Tab

The general tab lets you configure home pages, Internet Explorer Temporary files and Browsing History.

Security and Privacy Tab

The Internet Explorer Security tab is used to set and change configurations that can help protect your computer from potentially harmful malicious online codes.

Content Tab

The Content Tab includes AutoComplete and Feeds. AutoComplete stores previous entries on webpages and suggests matches for you. The Feeds and Web Slices provide updated content from websites that can be read in Internet Explorer and other programs.

Connections Tab

The Connections tab lets you setup internet connections and local area network settings (automatic configuration and proxy server).

Programs Tab

The programs tab includes Managing add-ons, HTML editing, Internet programs and File associations.

Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab contains settings for various Internet Explorer options and organized by category from this central location.



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