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Technical Details of Advanced Power Options in Windows 7 and Vista

Power plan manages the energy consumption of your pc. It lets you choose between performance and saving more energy. Here’s the technical details of advanced power options that let’s you tweak your computers power consumption in details.

I. Balanced Power Plan 

– automatically balances performance with energy consumption on capable hardware. The plan offers full performance when  needed and saves energy during the period of inactivity.

Require a password on wakeup

- require a password to unlock the computer when it wakes up

On battery: Yes

Plugged in: Yes

Hard disk

- Specify power management settings for your hard disk

Turn off Hard disk after

- Specify how long your hard drive  is inactive before the hard disk turns off

On battery: 10 Minutes

Plugged in: 20 Minutes

Desktop background settings

- Change power management settings for your desktop background.

Slide Show

-  Specify when you want the desktop background slide show to be available.

On battery: Paused

Plugged in: Available

Wireless Adapter Settings

- Configure wireless adapter power settings

Power Saving Mode

- Control the power saving mode of wireless adapters

On battery: Medium Power Saving

Plugged in: Maximum Performance

Power Saving Mode Description
Maximum Power Performance Achieve maximum wireless performance with no power savings.
Low Power Saving Achieve minimum power savings.
Medium Power Saving Balance between performance and power saving based on network traffic.
Maximum Power Saving Achieve maximum power savings.


- Specify sleep settings

Sleep after

- Specify how long your computer is inactive before going to sleep.

On battery: 15 minutes

Plugged in: 30 minutes

Allow hybrid sleep

- Allow Windows to save your work and enter a low-power state so that you can resume working almost immediately.

On battery: Off

Plugged in: Off

Hibernate after

- Specify how long your computer is inactive before hibernating.

On battery: 360 minutes

Plugged in: 360 minutes

Allow wake timers

- Specify if timed events should be allowed to wake the computer from sleep.

On battery: disable

Plugged in: disable

USB settings

- specify USB power settings for the USB hub driver

USB selective suspend setting

- specify whether USB selective suspend is turned on or off.

On battery: Enabled

Plugged in: Enabled

Power buttons and lid

- specify what your computer does when you close the lid and press the power buttons.

Lid close action

- specify the action that your computer takes when you close the lid on your mobile pc.

On battery: Sleep

Plugged in: Sleep

Power button action

- specify the action to take when you press the power button.

On battery: Sleep

Plugged in: Sleep

Sleep button action

- specify the action to take when you press the sleep button.

On battery: Sleep

Plugged in: Sleep

PCI Express

- PCI Express Power Management Settings

Link State Power Managements

- specifies the Active State Power Management (ASPM) policy to use for capable links when the link is idle.

On battery: Maximum power savings

Plugged in: Moderate power savings

Policy Description
Off Turn off ASPM for all links
Moderate power savings Attempt to use the L0S state when link is idle.
Maximum power savings Attempt to use the L1 state when link is idle.

Processor Power Management

- specify power management settings for your computer’s processor

Minimum processor state

- specify the minimum performance state of your processor (in percentage).

On battery: 5%

Plugged in: 5%

System cooling policy

- Specify the cooling mode for your system

On battery: Passive

Plugged in: Active

Cooling mode Description
Passive Slow the processor before increasing fan speed
Active Increase fan speed before slowing the processor

Maximum Processor state

- specify the maximum performance state of your processor (in percentage).

On battery: 100%

Plugged in: 100%


- specify power management settings for your display

Turn off display after

- specify how long your computer is inactive before your display turns off.

On battery: 5 minutes

Plugged in: 10 minutes

Multimedia settings

- Configure power settings for when devices and computers are playing media from your computer

When sharing media

- specify what your computer does when a device or computer is playing media from your computer.

On battery: Allow the computer to sleep

Plugged in: Prevent idling to sleep

Policy Description
Allow computer to sleep Devices and computers will not be able to play media from your computer while it sleeps.
Prevent idling to sleep Devices and computers will be able to play media from your computer unless you put it to sleep.
Allow the computer to enter Away mode Devices and computers will be able to play media from your computer while it is in Away mode.

When playing video

- the power optimization mode used by your computer’s video playback pipeline.

On battery: Balanced

Plugged in: Optimized video quality

Policy Description
Optimized video quality Gives the optimum video quality during playback.
Balanced A balance of video quality and power savings.
Optimized power savings Gives the optimum power savings during playback.

Internet Explorer

- specifies Internet Explorer power savings

JavaScript Timer Frequency

On battery: Maximum power savings

Plugged in: Moderate Performance


- Configure notification and alarm settings for your battery.

Critical battery action

- Specify the action to take when the battery capacity reaches the critical level.

On battery: Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Plugged in: Do nothing/Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Low battery level

- Percentage of battery capacity remaining that initiates the low battery action

On battery: 10%

Plugged in: 10%

Critical battery level

- Percentage of battery capacity remaining that initiates the critical battery action.

On battery: 5%

Plugged in: 5%

Low battery notification

- Specify whether a notification is shown when the battery level reaches the low level.

On battery: On

Plugged in: On

Low battery action

- Specify the action that your computer takes when the battery capacity reaches the low level.

On battery: Do nothing/Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Plugged in: Do nothing/Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Reserve battery level

- Percentage of battery capacity remaining that initiates reserve power mode.

On battery: 7%

Plugged in: 7%

II. High Performance Plan

- Favors performance, but may use more energy.

Require a password on wakeup

On battery: Yes

Plugged in: Yes

Hard disk

Turn off Hard disk after

On battery: 20 Minutes

Plugged in: 20 Minutes

Desktop background settings

Slide Show

On battery:Available

Plugged in: Available

Wireless Adapter Settings

Power Saving Mode

On battery: Maximum Performance

Plugged in: Maximum Performance


Sleep after

On battery: Never

Plugged in: Never

Allow hybrid sleep

On battery: Off

Plugged in: Off

Hibernate after

On battery: Never

Plugged in: Never

Allow wake timers

On battery: disable

Plugged in: disable

USB settings

USB selective suspend setting

On battery: Enabled

Plugged in: Enabled

Power buttons and lid

Lid close action

On battery: Sleep

Plugged in: Sleep

Power button action

On battery: Sleep

Plugged in: Sleep

Sleep button action

On battery: Sleep

Plugged in: Sleep

PCI Express

Link State Power Managements

On battery: Off

Plugged in: Off

Processor Power Management

Minimum processor state

On battery: 5%

Plugged in: 100%

System cooling policy

On battery: Active

Plugged in: Active

Maximum Processor state

On battery: 100%

Plugged in: 100%


Turn off display after

On battery:10 minutes

Plugged in: 15 minutes

Multimedia settings

When sharing media

On battery: Prevent idling to sleep

Plugged in: Prevent idling to sleep

When playing video

On battery: Optimized video quality

Plugged in: Optimized video quality

Internet Explorer

JavaScript Timer Frequency

On battery: Maximum power savings

Plugged in: Maximum power savings


Critical battery action

On battery: Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Plugged in: Do nothing/Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Low battery level

On battery: 10%

Plugged in: 10%

Critical battery level

On battery: 5%

Plugged in: 5%

Low battery notification

On battery: On

Plugged in: On

Low battery action

On battery: Do nothing/Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Plugged in: Do nothing/Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Reserve battery level

On battery: 7%

Plugged in: 7%

III. Power Saver Plan

- Saves energy by reducing your computer performance where possible.

Require a password on wakeup

On battery: Yes

Plugged in: Yes

Hard disk

Turn off Hard disk after

On battery: 5 Minutes

Plugged in: 20 Minutes

Desktop background settings

Slide Show

On battery: Paused

Plugged in: Available

Wireless Adapter Settings

Power Saving Mode

On battery: Maximum Performance

Plugged in: Maximum Performance


Sleep after

On battery: 10 minutes

Plugged in: 15 minutes

Allow hybrid sleep

On battery: Off

Plugged in: Off

Hibernate after

On battery: 360 minutes

Plugged in: 360 minutes

Allow wake timers

On battery: disable

Plugged in: disable

USB settings

USB selective suspend setting

On battery: Enabled

Plugged in: Enabled

Power buttons and lid

Lid close action

On battery: Sleep

Plugged in: Sleep

Power button action

On battery: Sleep

Plugged in: Sleep

Sleep button action

On battery: Sleep

Plugged in: Sleep

PCI Express

Link State Power Managements

On battery: Maximum power savings

Plugged in: Maximum power savings

Processor Power Management

Minimum processor state

On battery: 5%

Plugged in: 5%

System cooling policy

On battery: Passive

Plugged in: Passive

Maximum Processor state

On battery: 100%

Plugged in: 100%


Turn off display after

On battery: 2 minutes

Plugged in: 5 minutes

Multimedia settings

When sharing media

On battery: Allow the computer to sleep

Plugged in: Allow the computer to sleep

When playing video

On battery: Optimized power savings

Plugged in: Balanced

Internet Explorer

JavaScript Timer Frequency

On battery: Maximum power savings

Plugged in: Maximum power savings


Critical battery action

On battery: Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Plugged in: Do nothing/Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Low battery level

On battery: 10%

Plugged in: 10%

Critical battery level

On battery: 5%

Plugged in: 5%

Low battery notification

On battery: On

Plugged in: On

Low battery action

On battery: Do nothing/Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Plugged in: Do nothing/Sleep/Hibernate/Shutdown

Reserve battery level

On battery: 7%

Plugged in: 7%

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