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Showing posts from August, 2011

Save more space by Removing Windows Service Pack Folders

After installing service pack, Windows automatically creates a backup of the files and settings that service pack installer changes, some are very important if system files is corrupted or damaged, you can use the contents of the folder to return your computer to its previous state. C:\windows\$NtServicePackUninstall$ Folder – This folder is safe to delete unless you want to restore windows without service pack in the future. C:\windows\SevicePackfiles Folder – This folder contains files that are required to replace damaged or changed protected system files, this is not recommended to delete unless you installed softwares that automatically restore to original state after reboot e.g. DeepFreeze Windows Vista SP1 and SP2 File Cleanup Tool compcln.exe helps to recover permanent hard disk space by removing previous version of RTM and SP1 files. For Vista SP1 Files, use vsp1cln.exe to save more space. Windows 7 Disk Cleanup Tool Installing Window...

Quick Tip: Easily Play .Webm formats

Webm is an audio video format use in Youtube design to provide royalty free and open video compression design for HTML5. Youtube offers WebM videos in 480p and 720p format so, if you encountered some files with .webm extension, here’s a quick tip. Simply drag and drop the file to your Google Chrome browser   Easy?! If your using to browse and save videos at youtube, parsing those links many times, for sure, you’ll encoutered this type of video.

How to Add “Register File” to your Right-Click Menu

Your old computer doesn’t work anymore, you re-installed the OS but  most of the setup to run your important programs is already gone so, you’ve just copied the files and when you run the software you get this message: “Component ‘----------‘ or one of its dependencies are not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid The only thing that you can do with this is to use your search engine for this files and after downloading them, move them to the folder location of the software or c:\windows\system32 and register the files needed one by one. Adding “Register File” would be great! Using the universal script template that WinBubbles have, you’ll be able launch any application with UAC enabled. Same with its examples e.g. How to Add “Hide This File” or “Unhide this File” Context Menu and Hide my Computer to your Network Icon Download the tool , go to its folder location and Copy “lawrence.vbs'” Rename the file to any e.g. regsvr32.vbs ope...

How to change Windows Library Icons

Changing all library icons is easy! All you need to do is to follow these steps to start changing the icons. Guide Make sure the all hidden files and folders are shown – Press Alt + t + o + View tab and click to choose the option “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” and go to the path "C:\Users\ [username] \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries" Make sure that what you see is the same as the picture above Now open the folders by dragging the folders to notepad or just use the Open with Notepad feature of Winbubbles located at the general tab. and click the Apply Button Its easy! Just right-click and use the feature to locate the XML data <iconReference> imageres.dll,-1003 </iconReference> Simply change imageres.dll,-1003 to the path of the icon e.g. C:\Windows\System32\SensorsCpl.dll,14 or [filename] only If it is difficult to find icons, it is r...

Adding Quick Navigation Explorer feature to your Taskbar

Some people are always in a hurry, easily annoyed, and always want all things as simple as possible e.g. navigating through folders and files. Probably, that’s why Start Search was invented. Look at the picture above. Here I’m going to show the feature that I called “Quick Navigation Explorer” where it is possible to browse your files and folders located at the right side portion of the taskbar. How to the Add Quick Navigation Feature to your Taskbar Right-Click any portion of the taskbar and choose “new toolbar…” Choose any folder such as Computer, Libraries and Favorites, and click the Select Folder Button.   Easy and nice tip?! Thanks for reading the article!