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Showing posts from December, 2008

Use Automatic Completion of Directory or Path for Command Prompt in Windows Vista

An old registry tip from Microsoft Technet articles that is very useful in everyday Geek computing. If you open CMD and go to a directory, e.g. cd\windows, instead of typing the complete word "windows" type "win" + TAB . It will automatically search for the word and display the first value. Registry Settings HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor Lets make some research: By default HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive > CompletionChar value is 64 in decimal and 40 in hexadecimal While in HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive settings: CompletionChar value in Hexadecimal and Decimal is 9 So, Which is being followed by the current Logon User? CompletionChar = 9 by HKEY_CURRENT_USER In which according to Microsoft Technet Articles , The Source of Registry Tips, hacks and Tricks in the Entire World! The value 9 is the TAB key . T...

Internet Connection Sharing to Several Computers using Windows

This is your Ultimate Guide, easiest and complete How-To Article in Sharing Internet Connection using Windows 2000, XP and Vista. WIRED NETWORKING BASICS More than Five years ago, during the summer of 2003 I applied for On-the-Job Training for 1.5 months in a Communications Company. Luckily, they let me study and experienced what's life as a Data Communication Engineer. That time, I really wanted to explore Communications Engineering and learn more about Microwave, Satellite, ISDN and Fiber Optics. Although I already know How to create a Network in Windows and some background on Microwave designs but there are many questions in my mind. How DSL Works in the real world? What are the devices needed? How can you connect to other computers in Public IP settings like in P2P? What is DSLAM? I have so many questions... Most of the small Internet Cafe that time doesn't use a router to connect to the Internet because it is still expensive (but getting cheaper day by day)...