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How to Play the Downloaded Youtube Videos

Untitled After Downloading youtube videos through a website, a manual Hack of the link, or using my Youtube File Hack Tool.

Of course, The next thing is to watch your downloaded videos offline.

Anyway, What did you noticed? The format is flv or Mp4...

How to play the video through Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center, WinAmp, VLC, Media Player Classic and other famous video player.

Method 1:

For more compatibility in playing the video, I recommend to install K-lite codec pack. After installing the package, you can now watch the video in any video application, including Windows Media Player. Also, the good thing is that Media player classic is included. It is a light-weight video player application.

Download 1  Download 2  Download 3 

Download 4

Method 2:

VLC is a portable multimedia player for various types or formats of video. Just Download the application and open the youtube video through this player. That's it!

Read More:

[Google Chrome] Save Youtube Videos using the Favorites/Bookmarks

Easily Download and Save Youtube Videos in Firefox using my Youtube Hack Code

How to Download and Save Youtube Videos in Safari (Opera too!) Browser using my Youtube Hack Script Code

Directly Download Youtube Videos in Google Chrome, Safari Opera and Firefox (iUnlockThis: Youtube Hack Part 2!)


Unlocking Youtube File Hack-1 Running the Program for the First Time, Tips and Tricks

Unlocking Youtube File Hack-2 Download a Video after Search

Unlocking Youtube File Hack-3 Download while Watching the Video

Unlocking Youtube File Hack-4 Download in User-Response, Related and Featured Videos

Unlocking Youtube File Hack-5 Downloading the Youtube File through the GUI Application


Unknown said...

How do you get the Klite codec package?

LawrenceAlbert said...

just open the link above:
example: Download 1

and install the codec package...
I remember k-lite can play 99% of all video package. enjoy!


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