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Showing posts from February, 2021

Launching CodeBase-IO Website for Hardware Tips and Tricks

I/O devices are hardware or things around that has Displays and input functions like keyboard. I/O corresponds to Input and Output functions of computers. CodeBase IO lets you make and invent projects easily and can be understand by anyone. It has the characteristic function of a binary systems. The Website was launched to move the website to another world of computing and devices. Some of them are Giant Clocks, Traffic Lights and Elevators. Installing New Hardware You can install most hardware or mobile devices just by plugging them into your computer. Windows will automatically install the appropriate driver if it's available. If it's not, Windows will prompt you to insert a software disc that may have come with your hardware device. Enjoy!

Use Electronic Mains to turn your Power ON and Off

Having difficulty in using those dirty old fuse boxes? Upgrade them and get Electronic Mains! Core Technology: One touch shimasu and Reset function using relays and transistors. FEATURES: - when you push the button on the device, it activates the Power or AC Voltage and Reset to OFF. - worth $1,500 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Power Monitoring System with Human Machine Interface (HMI)

Monitoring using HMI PC-based design connects to different AC and DC sensors to improve efficiency. This Custom made Human Machine Interface (HMI) using VB.NET enables us to view whats happening around the area. Core Technology: A trigger Sensor send binary signals to computers to see the following if ON or OFF: - SOLAR pOWER (DC AND AC) - GENERATOR POWER (AC) - BATTERY OR UPS POWER (DC AND AC) - LINE POWER (AC) FEATURES: - The device sensor triggers if the line is ON or OFF. - simple circuit and converts them to binary forms. - worth $50,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Ten Level Water Monitoring using Windows 7 Computers

Using the latest IT technology and infrustructure, Boilers and Water Levels now can be detected using computers. Core Technology: A Water trigger Sensor to send binary signals to computers FEATURES: - The device sensor triggers if there is water or no water - simple circuit and converts them to binary forms - worth $20,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Full-Empty-Normal-Below Technology with Computer Monitoring

Water Tanks now can be monitored using computers. Full Tank, Empty or no water and Below levels can be accomplish using the latest IT technology. Core Technology: A Trigger Sensor to send binary signals to computers FEATURES: - The device activates the sensor if there is water or no water - simple and binary forms - worth $5,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Centralized Auto ON OFF of Lights using Solar Panel Sensors

Using a Switcher technology, the device senses light condition using solar panel. The bigger the solar panel, the more sensitive and accurate turning on and off of the lights. Core Technology: Trigger Sensor not voltage driven technology. Why? Trigger can have smaller solar panels. FEATURES: - The device usually activates the lights before 6pm - comes with many solar sensors - worth $1,500 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Cost of Real-Time Flood and Water Level Monitoring Systems

While some areas around the country are more prone to flooding than others, the establishment of flood monitoring systems near any major waterway or body of water provides real-time information that can protect property and save lives. The Benefits of Flood Warning Reduced loss of life through the evacuation and mobilization of emergency works crews and the deployment of mitigation works to reduce flood damages EARLY. REAL-TIME MONITORING OF RIVERS EVERYDAY FEATURES: - The Server Monitoring is in Windows 7 and Handmade OS - comes with a device drivers to understand levels of water to binary forms - worth $3,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

No Power Alarm Logs and Monitoring using Windows 7 and Handmade OS

Extended power outages may have a big impact to the whole world community and the economy. A power outage is when the electricity power goes out unexpectedly. A power outage may: - Disrupt communications and transportation. - Drinking water outages and contamination. - Close businesses and other services. - Cause food spoilage. - Prevent use of medical devices. MONITORING EVERYDAY IS A GOOD WAY AND BETTER. ABSORBED AND PREVENT DISASTERS COMPUTER MONITORING AND LOGGING FEATURES: - The Server Monitoring is in Windows 7 and Handmade OS - worth $3,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW

Home Control Lighting and Outlet using Windows 10 Tablet Helps you Save Money

Timed. Automatically turn off and turn on the lights and aircon when its needed. Try this web-based client: Any standby device can be turned off automatically to reduce power consumption. Its easy to setup and doesn't need any expertise. FEATURES: - Handmade OS - Server Controller using Microsoft Windows - Touch Screen Windows 10 Tablet - worth at least $5,000 and shipping is included. - 3 electric lines and 1 mains - Offline wireless, no internet connection. - NO CREDIT CARD NEEDED. ORDER NOW

Reducing Electric Cost by Controlled Lighting at Home Automation

Want to reduce your electricity cost? Use any computer technology device like Cellphones, Tablet and PC for controlling lights and mains! Again, this coding technique is Option Explicit or done by Strict writing and the softwares was written in the Visual Basic dot Net. Like Cellphones, the device lets you turn ON and OFF your lights and mains using a Tough Screen Tablet Device in Windows 10. Try the link at your computer, cellphone and Tablet: FEATURES: - Handmade OS - The Server Controller is in Windows 7 - Touch Screen Windows 10 Tablet (Client to Control 3 Lights and 1 Mains) - worth only $5,000 for Smart Home Devices and shipping is included. - Offline only, no internet connection is needed. ORDER NOW

Control your lights and mains using Windows Tablet!

Home Control and Automation lets you control lights and mains using Windows Tablet! See this, Option Explicit is the priority (Strict writing) and the softwares was written in the famous language in .Net Framework called Visual Basic. The device lets you turn ON and OFF your lights and mains using a Tough Screen Tablet Device in Windows 10. FEATURES: - The Server Controller is in Windows 7 - Touch Screen Windows Tablet (Client Computer to Control 3 Lights and 1 Mains) - Its worth $5,000 and shipping is included. ORDER NOW