Unlock For Us

Tweak your Network and Internet Connections - Part 2

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is one of the most important protocols of the Internet. It provides effective and reliable ways in transferring a data, making it suitable for applications like surfing the World Wide Web, file transfer and sending e-mail.

According to Microsoft, "WinInet limits the number of simultaneous connections that it makes to a single HTTP server. If you exceed this limit, the requests block until one of the current connections has completed. This is by design and is in agreement with the HTTP specification and industry standards."

Speed me up! I don't want to follow that agreement


Using WinBubble: Go to Optimize Tab > Check the option "Increase the bandwidth for Network and Internet Connections"... That's it! Don't forget to click the Apply Button.

How-To Change the settings manually:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
DWORD: MaxConnectionsPerServer
DWORD: MaxConnectionsPer1_0
For both, you can set a value of 10 to have a maximum of ten connections per server. WOW!





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