With the latest innovation by CodeBase Zero, we introduced Short-Circuit Protection for devices at Cars and Motorcycles.
NO MORE BURNING due to short circuit. This device will AUTO-OFF upon short-circuit.
A unified Solution for computer problems. Unlocking the best tools, solving the virtual-world problems, news, amazing places and helping through blogging...
">UnlockMe! Ten ways on enhancing your Windows User Experience
Branding your Windows Computer
Enable the Two Hidden Aurora's in Windows Vista
Turn Off Aero using a Keyboard Shortcut
Unlock Me! Disabling USB drives/Storage
Unlock ME! "Hidden Windows XP Serial Key"
Hide your computer in the Network
Monitor attempts to access and change settings in Windows
Unlock This! Who's watching you?
Unlocking WinBubble Part 1 *Tips and Tweaks
Unlocking WinBubble Part 2 *Shortcut Icon Customizations and Tweaking ToolBox
Unlocking WinBubble Part 3 *Securing your desktop
Unlocking WinBubble Part 4 *Screensaver Customizations
Unlocking WinBubble Part 5 *Optimize your Windows Vista Experience
Unlocking WinBubble Part 6 *More Security options
Unlocking WinBubble Part 7 *Miscellaneous Tweaks
Unlocking WinBubble Part 8 *Customizing Windows Vista Icons easily and MORE
Lawrence Albert Pardo- Ilao Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lawrencealbert.ilao Mail: codebased@yahoo.com Address: Lot 62A Maty Road, ...
">UnlockMe! Ten ways on enhancing your Windows User Experience
Branding your Windows Computer
Enable the Two Hidden Aurora's in Windows Vista
Turn Off Aero using a Keyboard Shortcut
Unlock Me! Disabling USB drives/Storage
Unlock ME! "Hidden Windows XP Serial Key"
Hide your computer in the Network
Monitor attempts to access and change settings in Windows
Unlock This! Who's watching you?
With the latest innovation by CodeBase Zero, we introduced Short-Circuit Protection for devices at Cars and Motorcycles.
NO MORE BURNING due to short circuit. This device will AUTO-OFF upon short-circuit.
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Voltage Divider