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Showing posts from April, 2012

Hiding the Administrator or any User account at the Welcome screen using Tweakui, Registry and Regdevelop

After installation of Windows 7, for security reasons - by default you'll notice that the built-in Administrator account is disabled.  If you will enable the account for administrative usages, it will be shown at the welcome screen.   How will you hide any account name?   Using Tweakui at Windows XP Tweakui is one of the pioneer using a graphical interface to tweak computer using Windows Registry. It was so easy to use that it has been featured to several publications around the world since Windows 95, 98 and XP. It inspired several IT companies to create their own softwares that tweaks Windows easily. Using Windows Registry (regedit.exe) from Tweakui Proceed and create the registry folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList Right-Click > use Dword (32-Bit) Value > “Administrator” as the name or any username and data 0 to hide and 1 to show. Note: The regi...

(Access denied) Removing Autorun.inf file Virus from the hardisk

Sharing files from one media to another is probably usual nowadays. We need flash drives or removable media, internet and network drives to install, copy and share files from computer to another. Each medium has it’s own configuration to make it more usable. However, what can we get if not restricted to a form that we could accept – a worm virus. Worm virus is a software program capable of reproducing rapidly from one computer to another using different storage media like portable hard disks, over the network and the internet. Worms take advantage of automated configuration or tasks by inserting codes to reproduce itself rapidly across the network. One of these configuration files is Autorun.inf. Autorun is very useful in adding icon to the drive and launching setup files once the removable media is read, so instead of these programs being run, the inserted virus will be launch and create several techniques to be able to infect the computer and makes it very difficult to be re...

Adding Desktop Icons using Microsoft Tweakui through WinBubble and Regdevelop

Tweakui was once the most popular in customization program through windows 98 to windows xp registry, it was too easy to use and apply. In that time, the tool provides a very simple design for performing tasks that is usually can be done only by administrators and geeks. [Icon registry settings] Let’s study how it’s made and create a similar program using winbubble or regdevelop… Adding Icons to Desktop from Tweakui option and WinBubble functions: Download here (4/21/2012) Using Tweakui, you could add those icons easily at desktop. I’m going to share the registry values created by tweakui as shown below. Registry Values Desktop Icons (All registry entries works with Windows XP only) Registry Key Path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel Configuration for Value Name Value Data Internet Explorer Desktop Icon {871C5380-42...

How to configure Windows Firewall, Wired and Wireless Network using command prompt

Using Netsh, you'll be able to display and modify the network configuration, either locally or remotely. It also provides command-line alternative capability to modify and add programs and services into Windows firewall. In addition to that, Netsh can save the configuration script for archival, backup and reference purposes. Let’s focus on these top features of the command-line utility. NETWORK CONFIGURATION (Windows 7/Vista/XP) How to see and inspect the current tcp/ip settings using Netsh Netsh interface ipv4 show config or C:\Windows\system32>netsh netsh>interface netsh interface>ip netsh interface ipv4>show config Using Netsh to backup the tcp/ip configuration of your computer netsh interface dump > c:\backup\lanconfig.dat or netsh -c interface dump > c:\backup\networkconfi...