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Showing posts from March, 2012

(Quick Tip) How to Restore the evaluation period before expiration

Checking the time before expiration using a vbscript program called slmgr is essential for software testing environment. Let's digg a little on some of its functions like extending or rearming the activation days. Rearm option restores the activation time to its original state, you can use the command three times. Here's how to extend the number of days to it's evaluation time e.g. 60 days, 30 days and so on… slmgr -rearm Thanks for reading the article!

Direct Download Links for Windows Live Essentials: Writer, Mail, Messenger and Movie Maker

Windows Live Essentials or Installer is a suite of freeware programs that aims to offer function-wise and bundled applications for windows desktop such as - managing multiple e-mail accounts, blog publishing in minutes, bringing your friends along the web using instant messaging, photo-sharing,  and security for kids when online. Here’s the download links for online and offline installation of Windows Live Essentials in different languages: ENGLISH (EN) CHINESE (Traditional) TAIWAN CHINESE (Simplified) FRENCH JAPANESE SPANISH KOREAN RUSSIAN

Administrative and Folder option icon at My Computer and Start Menu

Administrative folder contains system administrators and advanced users tools. Here’s how to access administrative tools and Folder option at Desktop and My Computer window.   Administrative Tools at Start Menu To be able to access the tool at Start Menu, you need to configure the settings through taskbar and start menu option as show below To open the Taskbar and Start Menu properties using the run window: %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 3 Finally, scroll-down until you reach the option above. Administrative Tool and Folder Option at My Computer and Desktop using a third party tweaking software Using WinBubble we can easily add any folder through the programs “My Computer and Control Panel Items” box at Tools Tab . You just need to enter all the configuration and settings as shown below: Name: Folder Option File / Folder: control /name Microsoft.FolderOptions or rundll32.exe Shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL ...