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Windows 8 integrates new design concepts


Windows 8 shall became one of the most important changes that Microsoft done into its operating system for more than a decade since Windows 95…

Let’s take a look first at the aging Start Menu from Windows 95 to Windows 7…



looks the same and feels older now - right?

A new Beginning Design UI for Windows 8

Seeing the new version having a new platform that supports ARM and several technologies at CES 2011, we've been excited for the upcoming Windows 8 for a long long time, downloading those fake leaks, and thankfully, Windows 8 was shown to the public for the first time with new UI that looks like Windows Phone and was designed to be really fast and fluid for Windows Tablets and PCs.

Platform support for new design

News designs by Intel, ARM Snapdragon processor, AMD, Texas Instruments Omap and Nvidia.

User Interface Features

Start Screen Tiles


Swipe Apps feature


- Sliding from left to right

Snap to dock feature


you can drag to resize the width


HTML 5 and Javascript Programming

The new platform is based on new web technologies so, it will maximize the touch features using HTML 5 and Javascript that will allow million of developers to create a new kind of app with Windows 8 – really cool… right?


Apps are fullscreen and beautiful designed for touch technologies…

Internet Explorer 10 – Touch First UI and Switching Tabs


Touch Keyboard


with thumbs layout for easy typing


Windows 8 Apps



Anyway, you can always go back to the good old look of windows afterwards…

Let’s also wait for the “business and techie” features in the coming weeks.

Can’t wait!!!

Thanks for reading the quick view of “a more and beautiful” Windows 8…


Unlock For Us

Save Energy by Adding “Turn Off Monitor/LCD” to Folders and Orb Ball in Windows 7 and Vista

Are you the type of person who always do-the-right thing? Monitor corresponds to 42-43% usage in power consumption everyday. If you have plenty of computers in your house, this tip will save you a lot of electricity bills from your pocket.


Laptops and bulky CRT monitors are one of the useful application of this tip. When you buy laptops, there are only few manufacturers that adds turn off monitor key from your keyboard, you can only lessen the brightness level but you can’t totally turn it off instantly..

Windows 7 Folders and Desktop - Adding them to all folders is really useful


Right Click any Folder name that you want, and click “Turn off Monitor” using the LEFT SIDE BUTTON of your Mouse. wow!!!

For Windows Vista – adding the option to Orb Ball (Start Menu) is available


Right Click the Orb Ball, and click “Turn off Monitor” using the Left side Button of your Mouse.

Quick and Easy!

How to add the “Turn Off Monitor” option using Windows 7 and Vista

Download the software Winbubble, extract the zip file and install the tool. Once the tool is already been installed, launch the tool until it finishes setting up some bitmap conversions from Windows 7 Wallpapers.

Once, it has been open, go to the Tools Tab and click the Folder/Start Menu option and use the settings below.


Name: Any name that you want

Command: "C:\Program Files\WinBubble\WinBubble 2\Tools\htool.exe" /m

Tip: you can try if the tool works by pressing Win+R and by copying the path above and press enter.. If the Monitor turns Off, great!!!

Available only in Windows 7

Icon: just use the browse […] button to select any icon that is available from windows


Desktop Icon


startmenuicon Start Menu Icon


runicon Run Icon


Afterwards, Click the Add Button. That’s it!

Try also adding the option to your desktop…


Cool right? Enjoy!!!



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