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Windows Update Registry Hacks

Updates are additions to software that can prevent or fix problems in the future, enhance security, improve the computer performance and stability. It is free of charge as part of maintenance and support services for your Windows computer.


Remove or Disable Windows Update through Start Menu Power Button and Shutdown Dialog Window

Get annoyed with  Windows update changing the sleep/shutdown to “Install Updates and Shutdown”?



Stop Windows Update from hijacking your computer! Open your Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and go to this registry location 




If you can’t find Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU Registry Keys, create one by using the Right-Click portion of your Mouse > New > Key Sub-menu



Removing the Windows Update as Default Option 


Create New Registry Value name NoAUAsDefaultShutdownOption with a value of 1

Windows XP Results


Windows Vista and 7…


If you want to get rid of the entire option, create a registry dword value name NoAUShutdownOption with a value of 1


Disable Force Auto Update Reboot while Logged On

Is Windows Update restarting your system unexpectively? Create a registry dword value name NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers with a value of 1

Prohibits Windows from searching for updates

Registry Location


Create a registry value name NoAutoUpdate with a value of 1



Automatic Windows Update Search is Enabled


Allow Automatic Updates immediate installation

“Automatic installation of certain updates that neither interrupt Windows services nor restart Windows”

Create a registry name AutoInstallMinorUpdates with value of 1 to silently install minor updates.


You can remove some updates, but not updates that affect important operating system files. You should only remove an update if you’re sure that it’s causing the problem through Add or Remove Programs (XP) and Program and Features (newer version of Windows).

That’s it! Hope this tip saves you a lot of time for fixing your computer problems…


MS Windows Server 2003 SP2 Policies



Unlock For Us

Cheap CD-ROM Audio System in your Workplace

With good work place design, especially if your working at home, you can create stations at work where people will be productive, innovative and happy.







This is one of the things that I’m studying for the past few weeks. Designing my workstation for all kinds of people.

The thing is, you can’t work and stay at the same position the whole day. Sometimes, even if you don’t want to, you need to go outside or sometimes relax.

The truth is, I already put the system in my small computer shop business and it works flawlessly with all kinds of people the whole day. wow!!!

Here’s what you need:

  • Old ATX Power Supply or any as long as it has 5v and 12v power output - find some junk PC at home and remove the power supply or just buy one around 6-9 dollars
  • Old CD-ROM Drives with Play and Stop (as many as you can - in my case 3-CDROM cost $2 each)


Simply Plug the power supply > connect the Computer Speaker to Headphone input > put your Audio CDs and push the Play Button

That’s it! Nice and Easy way of creating your own CD-ROM Audio System Station.

Have a great day!


Unlock For Us

Show Control Panel in my Computer for other version of Windows



This is one of the features in Windows XP that lets you add Control Panel icon to My Computer using the Folder Options Window.


Back in Windows XP days, users use the option using Windows Key + E to launch My Computer window and access Control Panel by clicking the icon. For other version of Windows, you can do this using a registry hack or use my software called WinBubble - to add Control Panel, Applications and other Folders as well.

Download the portable version of WinBubble (e.g. Green Background or any) and extract the file…


Launch the application and go to Tools Tab


and use the My Computer and Control Panel Items Tool


Name: Control Panel (or any name that you want)

File/Folder: Control.exe

Tool Tip: Provides system tools for managing your computer

Icon: %SystemRoot%\system32\imageres.dll,-27

Be creative by exploring more icons, adding folders and applications as well…


Time and Calculator Icon

C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe,3

Thats it! Thank you for reading the article!

Related Tip

Adding Items to My Computer and Control Panel


Unlock For Us

Launching Welcome Center through Run Window


Welcome Center is the users introduction of offers from Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEMs) and from Windows in Windows Vista.

According to Mr. Paul Thurrott of Winsupersite.com, Welcome Center provides three core features.

First, it provides at-a-glance information about your PC, including the currently logged-on user, the Vista product edition, some hardware, and the computer's name on the local network. Second, it provides getting started links related to Vista itself. Third, and finally, it provides a number of links to related offers from Microsoft (and, if you acquired Windows Vista with a new PC, from third parties such as the PC maker and various application makers).

If the Welcome Center was disabled during start-up and you can’t find it through Start Menu Search especially in Windows 7...


Try launching it through the Run Window (Win Key + R) and use the command below

rundll32 oobefldr,ShowWelcomeCenter

Thanks for reading the article!



Unlock For Us

Save more data by clearing Google Chrome History


Google Chrome is a browser developed by Google that combines a minimal design with new technologies that aims to be secure, fast, simple and stable.

In my experiences, Users wants to use the browser not because of its features but for its so called “branding” name.

Anyway, I’ve been using the browser since its first release and this is the first major problem that I encountered. When my hard drive was full of files and I need to save more space, Google Chrome history was one of the programs that eat plenty of space for several months now.

Clearing the Browser Data

Click the wrench icon wrench- Select Tools - Clear Browsing data

For Google Chrome version 3 users and below, click the wrench iconClear Browsing data


Select any options that you want and click “Clear Browsing Data”

That’s it!



To check the occupied space of Google Chrome Cache, go to this folder location (Windows Vista and 7…)

C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default


For Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

Thank you for reading the article!



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